Earlier this month in my Biggest Myths about African American Hair piece, I mentioned that African American hair has the ability to grow as long as other races or ethnicities. Several disagreed, some rather rudely. (Never underestimate the fervor, passion or vigor black women have about their hair!) Either way I still stand by the statement. You don’t have to be of multiracial origin to achieve the hair so many of us covet. Honestly, you’d be hard pressed to find many African Americans who don’t have a little or a lotta bit of “something else” in their blood. But that’s beside the point, African American hair can grow if properly maintained and that’s the key. The natural, coily texture of our hair is fragile and frankly many of us are very ignorant about what it takes for it to thrive. (Hence the YouTube tutorials.) So if you’re interested in tresses that graze the top of your booty, here are some tips to grow long, luscious African American hair. Continued at MadameNoire.com
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How To Grow Long African-American Hair