Tag Archives: cokehead-loser

Jake Gyllanhaal is a Faggot of the Day

So I was in a bar and Jake Gyllanhaal the clost faggot walked in with 5 fat chicks cuz he’s gay and gay dudes love fat chicks…..He danced like a little bitch on the bench of his booth like he didn’t crave cock…but I had a feeling he did….then I got annoyed….I couldn’t handle this ego doing his bullshit, so I decided to take the pussy off his high horse and I don’t really care what gay cowboy he fucks so I said: Hey aren’t you the guy who killed Heath Ledger…. So apparently that hurts a little bitches ego…..so the little bitch started screaming in my face like a role he reversed…he started screaming shit like “get the fuck out here” and “I will break you” flailing his arms around like he isn’t an ass licking homo….I laughed but the bouncers didn’t so I got escorted out after I had to pay my bill…of 60 dollars… The Restaurant was called Garde Manger. Don’t go there if you are ever in the city. It’s some bullshit ego shit that doesn’t respect their patrons….Garde Manger Bouncers kicked me the fuck out to impress Jake Gyllenhall aka Gay in the ass cuz I’m a little bitch Hall…. This is DrunkenStepfather.com motherfuckers…..So stop pretending you like girls, faggot…your fat chicks who you use to protect you from meeting real girls don’t cut it, Faggot….Stop killing Australians cuz you crush on them, Faggot…the war is on…I will make sure you and your pussy behavior gets broken the fuck down…. I will ruin this guy and you will help… On a sidenote – this faggot tried to have a bitch fight with the beautiful girl I was with. He actually tried to hit her…Jake Gyllanhaal wants to fight girls…and I am not joking…Seriously… All this bitch wants is to suck on a dick … He is the Lady Gaga of Movies…A pussy. He’s done….he sucked his beer bottle like it was a fucking dick…seriously… Dude thinks he owns the city…he thinks he decides who leaves bars when he wants…he thinks he is important…he’s not…he’s a fucking bitch…and I will break him…seriously…he has a shitty celebrity and I will ruin that celebrity….he beats up women…. Some celebs are down to earth. This cokehead loser…is a cokehead loser….he is so into himself and he actually hit a woman… HE HIT A WOMAN…. Bubble Boy hit a girl…at a restaurant called Garde Manger…Who seem to think it’s ok to hit a girl…call them and tell them… (514) 678-5044?…to not hit a girl…..call the restaurant (514) 678-5044?…..complain… His crew was holding him back…..he beats up girls… Love Jesus….Martinez….

Original post:
Jake Gyllanhaal is a Faggot of the Day