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Proof that Obama knew about Project Gunrunner?


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www.youtube.com/watch?v=-PNhYk9NuNc (h/t HillBuzz reader Theresa…thanks!) Well….David Ogden says that Obama ordered Project Gunrunner (and kicked in $10 million of stimulus money). Ogden specifically mentions “gun tracing” at the end of the clip. Sending thousands of assault rifles over the border to be traced to narco-thugs is the essence of Project Gunrunner. I know what the White House Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : HillBuzz Discovery Date : 09/07/2011 02:20 Number of articles : 3

Proof that Obama knew about Project Gunrunner?

News Of The World News of the Day: Comedian Steve Coogan and…


See original here:

News Of The World News of the Day: Comedian Steve Coogan and former Director-General of the BBC Greg Dyke call out former News of the World features editor Paul McMullen on his publication’s morally reprehensible phone hacking activities. Latest: Rupert Murdoch — who called the decision to shutter NotW a “collective decision” — is reportedly on his way to the UK to salvage the foundering BSkyB takeover… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Daily What Discovery Date : 09/07/2011 03:37 Number of articles : 2

News Of The World News of the Day: Comedian Steve Coogan and…