Tag Archives: communist-claws

Natasha Poly Titty Grab for S Moda of the Day

Natasha Poly, model who was destined to be Russian bride, who was destined to work in the webcam industry before being sold off to a brothel in the Ukraine, or Cyprus, or wherever the russian hookers are sent in the sex trade before a fat American buys them as a wife…but who went off course… I blame the fall of communism… But the good news for her is that modeling wsa more lucrative and it allowed her to marry some Dutch billionaire who she had babies with…because it secured her communist claws into the good life…and she still grabs her tits in magazines…because Russians may not have souls, but they are hard working and focused on not losing what they’ve managed to scam… TO SEE NATASHA POLY AT SOME EVENT CLICK HERE The post Natasha Poly Titty Grab for S Moda of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Natasha Poly Titty Grab for S Moda of the Day