Tag Archives: concept-or-even

Rihanna Kills it on Instagram in her New Video Outfit of the Day

Rihanna always fucking wins. I mean this girl just puts herself out there when she really doesn’t have to and she looks good doing it…and that to me is the single most important thing a person could be doing with their celebrity. Fuck make a wish foundation or charity causes… It’s like she didn’t get famous for being the half naked attention seeker who feels like it’s cool or artistic or high concept or even hot to get half naked…but she’s become that and it’s great for all the young girls watching to grow up thinking this is ok…because it is ok…in fact it is better than ok…it’s how you get fans, noticed, money and my approval…which we all know everyone seeks… She may have been a hooker as a teen to get here, she may be an exhibitionist now, but she’s killing the instagram game, making it masturbation worthy, and for that we should celebrate her… This is from her new video and this is the best thing that happened today so far…even though I’d prefer this without the black bars…

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Rihanna Kills it on Instagram in her New Video Outfit of the Day