Tag Archives: happened-today

Scout Willis Spreads Her Ass of the Day

Hipster bush rocking fake hipster pretending to be high brow but is a spoiled entitled rich kid who basically does nothing with her life but exist, thanks to her rich parents supporting her “art” and self discovery…loves to produce smut for her social media for attention….because all girls fucking love attention. I am pretty disappointed in her because I only liked her for her bush, and as it turns out she’s getting her asshole waxed in what I guess is her art project that reminds me of a Junior College Art project, trying to be high brow…while really just being silly…and pandering for attention. I do hate the bikini wax movement, but I do remember when youtube first happened searching for bikini wax videos, after being rejected from a bikini wax internship I tried to get at every wax place that opened up because apparently “seeing all them pussy holes” isn’t a good reason you want the job… I guess what it comes down to is that this spread ass pose is a good one, if she spreads a little harder you may see Bruce Willis’ head up in there…or maybe that’s Ashton Kutcher…who knows… This is the best thing that’s happened today…

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Scout Willis Spreads Her Ass of the Day

Rihanna Kills it on Instagram in her New Video Outfit of the Day

Rihanna always fucking wins. I mean this girl just puts herself out there when she really doesn’t have to and she looks good doing it…and that to me is the single most important thing a person could be doing with their celebrity. Fuck make a wish foundation or charity causes… It’s like she didn’t get famous for being the half naked attention seeker who feels like it’s cool or artistic or high concept or even hot to get half naked…but she’s become that and it’s great for all the young girls watching to grow up thinking this is ok…because it is ok…in fact it is better than ok…it’s how you get fans, noticed, money and my approval…which we all know everyone seeks… She may have been a hooker as a teen to get here, she may be an exhibitionist now, but she’s killing the instagram game, making it masturbation worthy, and for that we should celebrate her… This is from her new video and this is the best thing that happened today so far…even though I’d prefer this without the black bars…

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Rihanna Kills it on Instagram in her New Video Outfit of the Day

Beach Is Better? Twitter Goes Ham On Jay-Z’s Shirtless Struggle Body

Twitter Makes Fun Of Jay-Z’s Shirtless Pics Jay-Z rapped that the beach is better and he’s damn true. Nothing better than a nice vacation. However, it’s not so nice when Twitter gets ahold of those vacation pics and puts your out-of-shape body on blast. That’s exactly what happened today and it wasn’t pretty for crazy gut Camel. Just look and laugh until your eyes hurt. Pics via Twitter Continue reading

Amanda Seyfried Nude Scenes from Lovelace of the Day

I love vintage porn because it has a certain level of eroticism rather than just gratuitous throat fucking, like the porn of today, because we as a people have lost our filter and are incapable of getting off to anything that isn’t graphic starring seriously damaged girls…but vintage porn, that shit paved the way for this shit, and most importantly, has rocking’ bush and I love bush, the hairier the fucking better. I also love Amanda Seyfried playing Lindsay Lohan playing Linda Lovelace from Deep Throat….because I love Amanda Seyfried in all her non-Disney shit movies…because she’s got great tits and is down to be naked…sure she’s boring as fuck for the paparazzi, but she when she’s getting paid, she fucking brings it… Here are some of the sex scenes from Lovelace, including a horrible anal scene, that if happened today, her vagina would be dripping and not taking a post rape shower… Good times… If you’re bored I suggest you compare this nude scene with these nude scenes: Lindsay Lohan in the Canyons …and/or Amanda Seyfried in Chloe This is so hot to me that I need to cool me down…

Amanda Seyfried Nude Scenes from Lovelace of the Day

Lauren Prepon’s Tits of the Day

There comes a time in every woman’s career that if she is ignored long enough, or if her sitcom partner in crime’s career surpasses her career hard enough, that she will bust out her secret weapon that’s not all that secret, to make some noise. Unfortunately, this kind of thing only happens a few times in a lifetime, cuz I mean when else can you remember a sitcom girl pulling out her tits you’ve always wanted to see, cuz Mila Kunis is all famous and Lauren Prepon wants her chance….but who cares, let’s just be happy it happened today… The movie is called ‘Lay The Favorite’ and I already like it….but that’s cuz I’ve always wanted to see these tits…even if she is a bit of a monster mash….and she’s about 10 years late on getting this done….

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Lauren Prepon’s Tits of the Day


Enter Sandman is a great classic rock song, but is too hard to appeal to most listeners. Now there's a version that even your mom can “rock out” to. The Best Links: Via Certified Bullshit Technician Watch

Kate, Naomi, Stella Pay Fashionable Respects at Alexander McQueen Funeral

It’s only fitting that the funeral of one of the world’s biggest designers would draw a crowd of fashionista mourners, and that’s just what happened today in London for Alexander…

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Kate, Naomi, Stella Pay Fashionable Respects at Alexander McQueen Funeral