Tag Archives: lauren prepon

Lauren Prepon’s Tits of the Day

There comes a time in every woman’s career that if she is ignored long enough, or if her sitcom partner in crime’s career surpasses her career hard enough, that she will bust out her secret weapon that’s not all that secret, to make some noise. Unfortunately, this kind of thing only happens a few times in a lifetime, cuz I mean when else can you remember a sitcom girl pulling out her tits you’ve always wanted to see, cuz Mila Kunis is all famous and Lauren Prepon wants her chance….but who cares, let’s just be happy it happened today… The movie is called ‘Lay The Favorite’ and I already like it….but that’s cuz I’ve always wanted to see these tits…even if she is a bit of a monster mash….and she’s about 10 years late on getting this done….

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Lauren Prepon’s Tits of the Day