Tag Archives: concert-nipples

Cara Delevingne Has Nipples of the Day

Cara Delevingne is overly famous, not deserving of fame according to my expert opinion..ysince I’ve been at this 12 years and no one even knows I exist…you know real fucking authority on the subject…I don’t even think I’ve been interviewed by local radio for my thoughts on a sex tape…maybe I know nothing – seeing as I a ma hack… Well, she’s in a magazine because she’s a model and because Warner Bros and the Suicide Squad team want their people out there promoting their shit…like they are MARGOT ROBBIE….even though it comes out in AUGUST…a big deal for a girl who is only in the scene for being the funny girl at the right party people and celebs started to like…who navigated and leveraged it all….and she’s showing a bit of nipple… She doesn’t excite me, not even her lesbianism. We’ve seen her tits, this isn’t exciting, I am just posting this because I am pathetic… The post Cara Delevingne Has Nipples of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Cara Delevingne Has Nipples of the Day

Selena Gomez Promotes Her Concert Nipples in Lingerie of the Day

Selena Gomez has hard nipples and she wants you to see them…because that’s all part of her marketing strategy to get people to her show and to get people to think she’s hot or has sex appeal… She tried the “I have been undergoing CHEMO ” thing, but I guess showing off the fake tits is a better approach… This girl understands the media and will do anything to get seen, talked about or noticed, it’s the Disney way…and the funny thing is she’s not even that hot or talented, but she won’t let you think that, she has a high paid team to branwash us into thinking otherwise… Garbage…in lingerie… The post Selena Gomez Promotes Her Concert Nipples in Lingerie of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Selena Gomez Promotes Her Concert Nipples in Lingerie of the Day