Tag Archives: concertgoers

Chris Brown Blames Violence on Fans: No More Ghetto Venues For Me!

Over the weekend five fans were shot at a Chris Brown concert , bringing the total of violent incidents that the singer has been involved with in the past seven months to four. Seven months, by the way, is also the length of time since Brown was released from jail following his latest arrest for a probation violation. Needless, to say it’s not hard to find a connection between the bloodshed at Brown’s shows and the singer’s own unruly behavior. Brown doesn’t see it that way, though. No, he feels that it’s the concertgoers who are responsible, which is a bit like a hockey player being sent to the penalty box and then blaming the crowd. Sure, there were no fans around when Suge Knight got shot at Brown’s party and the singer has a well-documented history of violence, but even so, it’s America’s fault that the man can’t keep his nose clean. Well, at least a certain portion of America. Did we mention Chris Brown is racist? Chris Brown is racist: “No more n–ga parties,” Breezy declared on his Instagram page following the most recent gunplay. TMZ reports that Chris called an emergency meeting with his management team and instructed them to cancel all future performances at venues that he considered “too hood.” So we guess now that Breezy is distancing himself from what he considers to be undesirables, he won’t be having anymore scrapes with the law. Anyone willing to put money on that? We could use some extra cash. 25 Pics of Chris Brown Thuggin’ It! 1. Chris Brown Smoking Weed Chris Brown smoking weed – 3 joints at the same time no less. What a class act as always.

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Chris Brown Blames Violence on Fans: No More Ghetto Venues For Me!