Tag Archives: constantly-post

Selena Gomez Trying to be a Meme of the DAy

One of my least favorite trends in memes on social media, something that these idiots seem to constantly post and pass around, because it’s so relatable to their basic fucking existences, is the “When They…”….or the “When you…”….caption set to a stupid fucking pic… Selena Gomez posted this – “when they play your song at the club” You know her version of what she does when her song comes on, not realizing that the song is only being played in a club because she’s at the club, dealing with her Chemotherapy and lupus through hard drinking and late night parties. Cry for her suffering. But since no one can really relate to this, since we don’t have songs of our own played in clubs, and she’s just furthering the proof that she’s absolutely disconnected from reality, making it less offensive than the other memes that connect pop culture… “when you…” bullshit that tries to make us all one common people and it works, because all these morons are posting and sharing these one liner, laughing and thinking “OMG THAT IS SO TRUE – I AM DUMB”….it’s about as thought provoking as a meme, that takes 3 seconds to digest, can possibly be. But that’s the world we live in, one of no attention span morons who are more interested in taking selfies to get sex from dumb bitches than using brains… I guess what I’m saying is that I fucking hate “When You…” memes and the lowest form of human that shares them…I’m talking to you Selena Gomez. Why hasn’t your disease won yet, you cunt. The post Selena Gomez Trying to be a Meme of the DAy appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Selena Gomez Trying to be a Meme of the DAy