Tag Archives: continue-hiding

Rob Kardashian Posts Strange Selfie: What’s He Trying to Say?

Rob Kardashian isn’t very active on social media these days, but when he does post something, it’s usually a doozy. Remember when Rob compared Kim Kardashian to “the b-tch from Gone Girl ” ? How about when he reminded us all of the awesomeness of Kanye in a tub full of doughnuts ? Well, his latest might not be that memorable but it’s got a lot fans wondering what Rob’s deal is: It’s the first time that Rob has shown his face on social media in a long time, but as you can see, he’s not showing much face at all. The dude is rocking some sort of ninja mask, and he captioned the pic woth a bunch of devil Emojis, leading many to believe that he’s gone to a rather dark place. We like to think Rob is just joking around, but there’s no denying that he’s going through a rough time at the moment, and it’s a bit worrisome that he’s deleted all of his previous Instagram posts. Last month Rob was diagnosed with diabetes , and the news has reportedly taken a heavy toll on his psyche. Family and friends have urged Rob to check into rehab or at least take his health more seriously, but it seems that for now Rob plans to continue hiding out from the world. Perhaps this selfie is Rob’s way of hinting at a future comeback. Or perhaps it’s his way of telling his fans that he’s most comfortable behind a mask.

See the article here:
Rob Kardashian Posts Strange Selfie: What’s He Trying to Say?