Tag Archives: convict-carpet

This Friday! Mr. Skin Presents Chained Heat at Chicago’s Music Box Theatre [PIC]

Hey Chicago! What are you doing this Friday night? Well, whatever your plans, cancel them, because we’ve got an event you just can’t miss: Mr. Skin Presents Chained Heat at the Music Box Theatre ! Quite possibly the crowning achievement in the irredeemably sordid “women in prison” genre, Chained Heat (1983) is a steamy, sleazy SKINstant classic. It’s packed with ’80s babes like Tamara Dobson and Sybil Danning as the pushy prison queen bees, Linda Blair in her nude debut as baby-faced fresh meat, and all the jailbird jugs and convict carpet you can handle, including a Sapphic shower scene featuring Edy Williams and Marcia Karr 30 minutes in that’s hot enough to melt steel bars. Throw in John Vernon (aka Dean Wormer) as a horny warden whose hot tub plays host to some delightfully deviant acts, and you’ve got a recipe for some serious hard time. Bodacious blonde ball-buster Sybil Danning will be appearing IN PERSON for a Q&A from our own McBeardo , so buy your tickets for Friday October 12 at 9:30 pm on the Music Box website now!

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This Friday! Mr. Skin Presents Chained Heat at Chicago’s Music Box Theatre [PIC]