Tag Archives: corner-sundays

Amber Heard’s Lesbian of the Day

Lesbians suck on all levels…I mean other than cock…but on all levels other than cock…from their construction boots, to their ill fitting flannel….to their porn…to their vegan muffins….to the way they look and live and the things they do…from their knitting club called “Bitchin Stitchin”…to their craft corner sundays….to their potluck dinners…they are just all around fucking boring…and I’m not just saying that cuz lesbians hate me and I’m bitter that they don’t invite me to their lesbian events…I’m saying it cuz it’s fucking true… Here’s Amber Heard and her lesbian she’s using to get publicity like she was Lohan….in their lesbian car…with their lesbian hair…on their way home for lesbian sex…that isn’t a fetish….cuz lesbian sex has is anti climatic… Fucking lesbians….

See original here:
Amber Heard’s Lesbian of the Day