Tag Archives: couple-cropped

Paz De La Huerta Naked for Magazine of the Day

I’ve been following Paz De La Huerta for the last few months. I guess I kinda fell in love with her overgrown bush in Boardwalk Empire….which is substantially more erotic than any of these pics, except maybe for that Steve Buscemi weird looking mother fucker bringing her sex appeal down…coupled with some of her cracked out pics…that despite being erotica to me..cuz crackheads do anything and I mean ANYTHING for crack…which is hot to me…doesn’t cancel out that it is equally disgusting.. That said, here she is in a movie, naked by no labia….no bush…but whatever…I’m posting it anyway…

Go here to see the original:
Paz De La Huerta Naked for Magazine of the Day

Michelle Rodriguez in a Bikini of the Day

Sometimes being threatened by a major paparazzi company for 5,000,000 dollars I don’t have, in a Lawsuit that won’t even get me famous, cuz the papers and media don’t give a fuck about me, for posting a couple cropped images they own the right to, making me avoid any pictures that may be theirs like it’s fucking a fat chick’s pussy that is HIV Positive and covered in Feces cuz she may have just had a heart attack, works out for the better…..Cuz an Ape in a Bikini, or what I like to call my expert sketch of Michelle Rodriguez in a bikini, brings me way more joy than actual pics of her do… To See the Pics FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Michelle Rodriguez in a Bikini of the Day