Splash News Coupled-Up: Jeremy Meeks And Chloe Green Hit Up West Hollyweird Night Spot Felon bae is enjoying his come up …or lady friend, however you want to look at it. The model was seen on the scene with the Top Shop heiress in Hollyweird, first they did dinner then a posh night spot called Villa lounge. The couple walked from Catch restaurant to Villa Lounge. They arrived at 12:30 A.M. and left at 2:30 A.M. from Villa Lounge according to reports. Jeremy is just like “f-ck matrimony” after finding him a rich boo. Do you think they make a nice looking couple?? We reported earlier that Meeks had filed a legal separation from his wife of 8 years so he can freely smash the heiress. There’s no turning back now…do you, felonious dirty dog!
See the original post:
Coupled-Up: Legally Separated Felon Bae & His Billionaire Boo-Thang Have West Hollyweird Date Night [Photos]