Tag Archives: course-or-some

Bar Refaeli Boring for Lexus of the Day

Bikini and lingerie model I wouldn’t mind having sex with or at least see laying in bed with random objects inside her has disappointed me. She showed up to an event she was hosting and she wasn’t wearing a bikini or lingerie. I can’t figure out where these bitches get off, thinking that they made millions off their bodies and now people are booking them to host their events because they’ve secured their place in the world, while in reality people only book them because they want to see some fucking tits, so lower your neckline Refaeli…..cuz these pictures suck the life out of me. Luckily Ariadne Artiles stepped it up a little sluttier, not that I know who she is, but because she knew Bar Refaeli was there and that she better go all out or go home if she wanted to get noticed…but is still boring…which leaves me wondering what ever happened to hot tub parties… Pics via Bauer

Bar Refaeli Boring for Lexus of the Day

Gisele and Tom Brady’s Public Gay Sex of the Day

I don’t know much about Brazilian tranny sex with closet case football players who only play the game cuz they love the locker room before and after the game and the only way to not get beat the fuck up is to be really good at your position, if you know what I mean….but I do know that it looks a hell of a lot like dude’s training for his lifeguard license or doing a CPR course or some shit, cuz this “PDA” looks more like “CPR” and the whole this is boring and almost unbelievable. I think this is just a continuation of the whole “Gisele is actually a woman” publicity stunt…but what it comes down to is who fuckin cares…. Pics via PacificCoastNews

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Gisele and Tom Brady’s Public Gay Sex of the Day