Tag Archives: course-requires

Random Ridiculousness: NYU College Course Requires Students To ‘Plan A Mock Terrorist Attack’

NYU Course Requires Students To Plan Mock Terrorist Attack A former Navy investigator is under fire after NYPD learned that students in her “Transnational Terrorism” class are required to “hypothetically plan a terrorist attack” as part of a class project. via Fox News A New York University class on transnational terrorism is requiring students to “hypothetically plan a terrorist attack” — and shocked cops say the outrageous lesson plan is an insult to the officers killed on Sept. 11. The controversial course, taught by former Navy criminal investigator Marie-Helen Maras, asks the pupils to “step into [a terrorist’s] shoes” and write a 10- to 15-page paper on their battle plan. “Some of the most notorious terrorists, including Anwar al-Awlaki, got their start on American campuses. It looks like after the CIA killed al-Awlaki, NYU is helping to produce successors,” said an outraged law-enforcement expert on terrorism. Surely there’s a better way to teach this lesson. SMH.

Here is the original post:
Random Ridiculousness: NYU College Course Requires Students To ‘Plan A Mock Terrorist Attack’