Tag Archives: create-brands

All of the Jessica Alba GQ Pics of the Day

Jessica Alba was in GQ, or is in the upcoming issue of GQ, because she’s Jessica Alba and people still love her, even though she’s never really done anything substantial with her career. Sure she’s hot, got in movies, became rich and famous using her looks, leveraged that fame to create brands and other revenue streams…ok fine…she’s done a lot with her career, I just don’t think it’s very noble, like how she got pregnant to lock in her man, or like how her gardener is Mexican, even though she’s Mexican, despite pretending she isn’t Mexican, because all these famous Mexicans always shit on being Mexican, like being Mexican is a bad thing… I’ve posted some of the pics, the rest were released, so I’m posting them also…she looks good for a mom of 2 in her 30s…which is saying a lot, since women normally die for me at 30…kids or not.

All of the Jessica Alba GQ Pics of the Day