Tag Archives: criticized-how

Russian invasion hoax spooks Georgia

Caucasus nation Georgia went to war with Russia only 18 months ago so it's understandable that some folks might call a Russian invasion jke “too soon”. Pro-government station Imedi TV aired a 20 minute report saying that Russian troops were in the capital of Tblisi. But they totally weren't. Hilarious, right? Apparently not. From Reuters: Mobile phone networks crashed and there was a spike in calls to the emergency services. Saakashvili criticized how the report was presented but said it was not unrealistic. But U.S. ambassador to Georgia John Bass slammed the stunt. The situation between Georgia and Russia is “serious enough without this sort of sensational quasi-news activity and I look forward to the examination of what happened by the appropriate organizations,” he said. The EU also condemned the stunt. Are Russia and Georgia close to a rehash of their five day war? added by: afitzgerald