Tag Archives: crooked-face

Alicia Silverstone’s Old Lady Activist Ass of the Day

Alicia Silverstone would rather go naked than wear wool…at least that’s what she claims in this ad for PETA that we should call bullshit on….It’s more a “I’m a mom who would bird feed my child by chewing for him, who still has an ass people want to fuck, even though when I was at my most famous, I wasn’t even that hot, I blame my crooked face”… I mean, I don’t know if that last part is true, but I never felt she was hot or someone I’d want to bang or jerk off to, I mean sure she’s famous and all – but it never spoke to my soul or my penis….she was just around more than anything… And now the activist – will flash her ass to prevent you from wearing wool…and here is a gallery of pictures I’ve pulled from GOOGLE IMAGES of her wearing what could be wool…throughout her career…because she’s a fucking liar…she just wants to go naked with purpose… EVEn better – here she is in LEATHER LOL The post Alicia Silverstone’s Old Lady Activist Ass of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Alicia Silverstone’s Old Lady Activist Ass of the Day