The Rémy Martin Presents “The Producers Series” launched with its first semi-final event Saturday, July 11 at the Empire Hotel Rooftop in New York City with Mike Will Made-It headlining. The event was hosted by Rémy Martin Brand Ambassador Charlamagne Tha God . During the three hour event on the packed rooftop overlooking Lincoln Square, Mike Will Made-It was interviewed by Charlamagne Tha God, dropped knowledge about his start and what it took to make it in the business; he also introduced two artists he’s producing Eearz and Yung Joey . After the surprise performance, the five lucky The Rémy Martin Presents “The Producers Series” semi-finalists presented their music and the panel of industry vets voted Swing America the first The Rémy Martin Presents “The Producers Series” Finalist! Music Producers are a driving force behind pop-culture and music, and love to be the arbiters of the latest trends. They push for innovation and styles that transform culture and set trends. Their natural creativity appeals to a sophisticated audience: that same spirit of sophistication and discerning connects Rémy Martin to its loyal consumers. Rémy Martin Presents “The Producers Series” celebrates the interpersonal relationship between Producers, music, culture and innovation by giving up-and-comers the Ultimate Access to the world’s top producers—critique and advice—and a chance at being “Next.” “The Producers Series” judges included Jay Claxton – DTLR Radio Host, Alvin Blanco – Deputy Editor, , Rebekah Espinosa – Sony Music Entertainment, Marketing Manager, Baby Sam – Vice President, Promotion, RCA Records, and Anthony Ellis – CEO of AE Marketing Group.
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Mike Will Made It And Charlamagne Tha God Host “Producers Series” Event [Photos]