This would be funny if it weren’t so racist. On Sunday night, a Papa John’s employee dropped off a delivery to an African-American couple in Sanford, Florida. He then drove away and accidentally called the couple to whom he had just brought the pizza, slamming them in a voicemail for being bad tippers and also for being… black. “That’s the only requirement for being a n-gger in Sanford,” says the voice in the message. “Yeah, they gave me five bucks there. Fine, outstanding African-American gentleman of the community.” The customer went ahead and filmed the voicemail – which includes a racial slur-filled, made-up song – and posted it online. Listen now and take solace: The delivery man has been fired. Papa John’s Racist Voicemail
Read this article:
Papa John’s Delivery Man Leaves Racist Voicemail, Gets Fired