Tag Archives: daily-squib

Lady Gaga’s Satirical Amputation Rumor Is NOT TRUE

Lady Gaga recently created a maddening stir of the rumors of having her leg amputated. It really seemed true, I for once believed, commented and reacted to bruits. Fortunately, this rumor is not true. Lady Gaga just THOUGHT it would be cool and “different.” Good thing…I never wanted to idolize someone who has a sick mind…hahhah..(that’s my personal opinion) As per Lady Gaga’s hermaphrodite rumor, well, it is no issue at all.  People, especially who are close to her, can say that she’s all-female. Her record label was asked to confirm, deny or clear-up the amputation rumor and the representative said “It’s not true,” Lady Gaga, for one, is considered a touring machine. With all those concerts, tapings..I think this is remotely possible. According to where this rumor had started, it was said that it is the work of Britain’s Daily Squib, which posted a peg-leg photo and an article about Gaga’s “new look.” Lady Gaga’s Satirical Amputation Rumor Is NOT TRUE is a post from: Daily World Buzz Continue reading

Lady Gaga Amputated Leg Rumor: Debunked!

It was a quality celebrity rumor: Lady Gaga had a leg amputated below the knee just ’cause she thought it’d be cool and “different.” Sadly, it’s not true. Well, fortunately is more like it. Despite reports that this is “accurate and based on facts,” and she dropped the bombshell “whilst hopping around the studio,” don’t believe the hype. The Lady Gaga hermaphrodite rumor, however? That we leave to you to draw conclusions on. The pics are more conclusive than her “peg leg” ones. Hilariously, the Fame singer’s record-label rep was actually asked him to confirm, deny or clear up the leg amputation rumor , and finally replied Saturday: “It’s not true,” the rep said . Lady Gaga: Two legs to stand on. This rumor: Zero. It’s surprising it even made this far and a rep addressed it. No “Exclusive: Lady Gaga Amputates Leg” headlines on any reputable site was one clue. As was the lack of any doctored Lady Gaga pictures looking even remotely real. Besides, when would the alleged operation have even happened? Lady Gaga is a touring machine, most recently taping a performance for American Idol . The girl hops around, but only figuratively. Not to mention the logistical and ethical impossibility of a doctor doing this: “I do not know any country or any location where this has happened, or would be considered legally or ethically correct,” sums up one plastic surgeon. Finally, a suggestion for rumor-starters: Next time, say if it’s the left or right leg and throw in more medical “details.” Makes it more convincing … and funny. As for how this got started, Lady Gaga’s amputated leg is the work of Britain’s Daily Squib , which posted a peg-leg photo and an article about Gaga’s “new look.” The April 24 piece was meant as a satire, but peeps actually ran with it. Nice work!

Continued here:
Lady Gaga Amputated Leg Rumor: Debunked!