Tag Archives: left-or-right

Malamute Goes on Tinder, Becomes Most Sought After Date EVER

Not everyone has success on Tinder. It really can be a hit-or-miss platform, considering the subjectivity involved in members of the opposite sex simply looking at one's picture and choosing on the spot to swipe left or right. But this isn't the case for Phil. Phil is outright OWNING Tinder at the moment, earning positive responses from nearly everyone who comes across his profile. What's his secret? Well… Phil is an Alaskan Malamute. His owner made Phil an actual Tinder profile and the replies have gone viral – because they're hilarious! That's what happens when you're the one online dater who can get away with asking to lick someone on a first date. Scroll around below to get an idea of what Phil's life is like on Tinder: 1. First, This is Phil: Who would NOT want to go home with him, right?!? 2. This is A Lot of Negotiating But the two sides arrive at an amicable resolution. 3. Illegal?!? What, are they gonna put me in doggy jail? 4. Dog WALKER? Lady, walking isn’t the action I’m looking for here. 5. You Know When People Ask “Who’s a Good Boy?” The answer is me. 6. A Little Tit for Tat, Please? Or belly rubs for commands, I should say? View Slideshow

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Malamute Goes on Tinder, Becomes Most Sought After Date EVER

Malamute Goes on Tinder, Becomes Most Sought After Date EVER

Not everyone has success on Tinder. It really can be a hit-or-miss platform, considering the subjectivity involved in members of the opposite sex simply looking at one's picture and choosing on the spot to swipe left or right. But this isn't the case for Phil. Phil is outright OWNING Tinder at the moment, earning positive responses from nearly everyone who comes across his profile. What's his secret? Well… Phil is an Alaskan Malamute. His owner made Phil an actual Tinder profile and the replies have gone viral – because they're hilarious! That's what happens when you're the one online dater who can get away with asking to lick someone on a first date. Scroll around below to get an idea of what Phil's life is like on Tinder: 1. First, This is Phil: Who would NOT want to go home with him, right?!? 2. This is A Lot of Negotiating But the two sides arrive at an amicable resolution. 3. Illegal?!? What, are they gonna put me in doggy jail? 4. Dog WALKER? Lady, walking isn’t the action I’m looking for here. 5. You Know When People Ask “Who’s a Good Boy?” The answer is me. 6. A Little Tit for Tat, Please? Or belly rubs for commands, I should say? View Slideshow

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Malamute Goes on Tinder, Becomes Most Sought After Date EVER

Google Updates Image Search for Tablet with ‘Carousel’ View


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Google has tweaked the code for their image search when accessed by a tablet. Search results are now displayed as larger image files in a carousel view, accessed by tapping on an image result and swiping left or right to navigate to surrounding entries. Images load as you scroll, eliminating the need to navigate through Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Android Phone Fans Discovery Date : 08/12/2011 04:04 Number of articles : 3

Google Updates Image Search for Tablet with ‘Carousel’ View

The Tea Party … a history lesson

Dear Tea Party , Do you know what the Boston Tea Party was really about? Do you know what your party is really about? The Boston Tea Party had nothing to do with taxes being raised. Taxes were not raised at all. In fact, taxes were waved, lowering the cost of tea. The British upset colonists by lowering the cost of tea. They upset colonial business men who had stakes in colonial tea companies, or who feared that the British would make similar moves with other commodities. What happened at the Boston Tea Party raised the cost of tea for colonists. If you really wanted to be true to your name, you would head down to your local gas station and pour all the foreign gas on the ground, you would go to your nearest Ikea and steal all the screws from furniture kits, and you would head over to your Walmart and burn it down. You would try to raise import taxes, forcing Americans to pay more for everyday goods, so as to give American factories and workers a level playing field with those in China. You won’t do these things though, because you are just puppets. You are being used to stop any change in any direction, left or right, because an ineffective government is good for business. So, in a way, The Tea Party is a perfect name, but not for the reasons you think. Thanks, via chuckmccarthy.com and http://figrd.blogspot.com added by: figgdimension

"The United States Has No Business Dictating To Any Country In The Middle East What They Should Or Shouldn’t Be Doing."

Russia Today interview with Eric Garris–founder of Antiwar.com. While not a political insider or media pundit, Garris criticizes the U.S. doctrine of considering every interventionist action as a “War on…(just fill in the blank).” He brings a view that the mainstream press, whether left or right, refuses to discuss. It's a good interview, and I recommend it to anyone who questions our current policies. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyErv6d44SY&feature=player_embedded# ! added by: ScottyT

Lady Gaga Amputated Leg Rumor: Debunked!

It was a quality celebrity rumor: Lady Gaga had a leg amputated below the knee just ’cause she thought it’d be cool and “different.” Sadly, it’s not true. Well, fortunately is more like it. Despite reports that this is “accurate and based on facts,” and she dropped the bombshell “whilst hopping around the studio,” don’t believe the hype. The Lady Gaga hermaphrodite rumor, however? That we leave to you to draw conclusions on. The pics are more conclusive than her “peg leg” ones. Hilariously, the Fame singer’s record-label rep was actually asked him to confirm, deny or clear up the leg amputation rumor , and finally replied Saturday: “It’s not true,” the rep said . Lady Gaga: Two legs to stand on. This rumor: Zero. It’s surprising it even made this far and a rep addressed it. No “Exclusive: Lady Gaga Amputates Leg” headlines on any reputable site was one clue. As was the lack of any doctored Lady Gaga pictures looking even remotely real. Besides, when would the alleged operation have even happened? Lady Gaga is a touring machine, most recently taping a performance for American Idol . The girl hops around, but only figuratively. Not to mention the logistical and ethical impossibility of a doctor doing this: “I do not know any country or any location where this has happened, or would be considered legally or ethically correct,” sums up one plastic surgeon. Finally, a suggestion for rumor-starters: Next time, say if it’s the left or right leg and throw in more medical “details.” Makes it more convincing … and funny. As for how this got started, Lady Gaga’s amputated leg is the work of Britain’s Daily Squib , which posted a peg-leg photo and an article about Gaga’s “new look.” The April 24 piece was meant as a satire, but peeps actually ran with it. Nice work!

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Lady Gaga Amputated Leg Rumor: Debunked!