Tag Archives: level-playing

Catherine McNeil’s Donna Karan Ad is Perverted of the Day

Catherine McNeil is some lesbian model from Australia, who I can safely say is not a lesbian by looking at her, and noticing she doesn’t look like she’s got balls, a hairy chest and a collection of dick’s she’s ripped off in a box in her basement….She’s more a lesbian out of convenience, because dating some MTV Australia chick has been good for her celebrity…pretending to be engaged, even better. You know some basic low level playing the system shit….get the people to talk, then book international campaigns for big brands that are up on some porn level, fetish level, the first scenes of a porno level kick….that really help establish her lesbian stance, because all lesbians like letting guys between their legs for money….right? Wrong. Lesbians hate this objectifying women shit, but more importantly they hate penis and would never allow this to happen. Catherine McNeil, I am calling bullshit, you may eat pussy, but dick is what you’re all about…here’s the hot ad.

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Catherine McNeil’s Donna Karan Ad is Perverted of the Day

Five held over Pope terror alert

BBC is reporting the breaking news on five men who were arrested by counter terrorism units after the officers received intelligence to a threat to the Pope. “The five men are 26, 27, 36, 40 and 50 years old. They were arrested in an armed operation at business premises where searches are continuing. Residential premises in north and east London are also being searched. Officers have not found any hazardous items. “-BBC Searches continue while the five men have been moved to a London police station. added by: Mcellie

The Tea Party … a history lesson

Dear Tea Party , Do you know what the Boston Tea Party was really about? Do you know what your party is really about? The Boston Tea Party had nothing to do with taxes being raised. Taxes were not raised at all. In fact, taxes were waved, lowering the cost of tea. The British upset colonists by lowering the cost of tea. They upset colonial business men who had stakes in colonial tea companies, or who feared that the British would make similar moves with other commodities. What happened at the Boston Tea Party raised the cost of tea for colonists. If you really wanted to be true to your name, you would head down to your local gas station and pour all the foreign gas on the ground, you would go to your nearest Ikea and steal all the screws from furniture kits, and you would head over to your Walmart and burn it down. You would try to raise import taxes, forcing Americans to pay more for everyday goods, so as to give American factories and workers a level playing field with those in China. You won’t do these things though, because you are just puppets. You are being used to stop any change in any direction, left or right, because an ineffective government is good for business. So, in a way, The Tea Party is a perfect name, but not for the reasons you think. Thanks, via chuckmccarthy.com and http://figrd.blogspot.com added by: figgdimension

Oh THIS is not going to make a certain ex-Governor of Alaska very happy.

“Game Change,” the 2008 campaign tell-all book by John Heilemann and Mark Halperin, takes over the No. 1 rank on our list of top political books, while “Going Rogue” by Sarah Palin slips to No. 5. And guess what? “Game Change” managed to get to number one without having a bunch of conservative groups buying it in bulk to create the artificial illusion that it was a great book. Let’s face it if “Going Rogue” had been forced to compete on a level playing field it would NEVER have even come close to a bestsellers list. But Palin always insists the deck be stacked in her favor, doesn’t she?

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Oh THIS is not going to make a certain ex-Governor of Alaska very happy.