Tag Archives: heilemann

HBO’s ‘Game Change’ in 43 seconds


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Perhaps, having lived through the 2008 election and, like many people, read Mark Halperin and John Heilemann’s book Game Change less than a year later, you might feel that reliving the events of that election cycle a third time by watching the HBO film Game Change is a bit more than you can be prevailed upon to bear. If so, then the clip below is just what you need. Comedian Joe Mande has been kind… Broadcasting platform : Vimeo Source : Raw Story Discovery Date : 17/03/2012 22:32 Number of articles : 2

HBO’s ‘Game Change’ in 43 seconds

MSNBC’s Mitchell: Oil Spill An ‘Opportunity’ for Obama to Push Energy Bill

Speaking to New York Magazine columnist John Heilemann on MSNBC Friday, anchor Andrea Mitchell wondered if the Gulf oil spill could be a political opportunity for President Obama: “Is there an opportunity now to do something real on energy?” Heilemann proclaimed the disaster was “a triggering action for us to try and get toward a greener future…break our addiction to oil…”              The discussion occurred during the 1PM ET hour on Andrea Mitchell Reports with Mitchell noting how the President was “trying to contain the political damage” from the spill. After she spun the crisis as an “opportunity,” Heilemann argued: “I think this is one of these real moments for any president…what better moment is there than this?” Both Mitchell and Heilemann seem to share the philosophy of White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel that “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.” Heilemann actually worried that the White House would not exploit the situation enough: “I think that for the White House to do that and not end up with a piecemeal, some kind of small bill – small ball bill – he’s got to go really big and turn this into a crusade.”  He described the “fear” on the Left that the administration was “going to end up settling for a small solution rather than the big one that really changes, fundamentally, our relationship to energy and the – and our climate.” Mitchell then quoted Heilemann’s recent column in New York Magazine: …you wrote that: “As much as pulling the country back from the economic brink or passing health-care reform, the catastrophe in the Gulf offers Obama a chance to rise to the occasion, and in the process not only validate his conception of progressive, activist, and competent governance but reclaim the visionary mantle that inspired so many during his campaign.” Mitchell agreed with the sentiment and declared: “…it strikes me that this is an opportunity for him [Obama] to change the conversation….[to do] what he arguably does best and show his competence and the big conceptual approach to the energy policy, that would really be a major test of leadership.” Heilemann replied: “It would be…he does competency, he also does inspiration really well….he does inspiration terrifically well.” Heilemann concluded: “There’s places where he [Obama] can go here and – on both substance and symbolism – that would actually benefit him and what I – as I said, play to his strengths rather than his weaknesses.” Mitchell was pleased by all of his political advice for the President: “John Heilemann, that’s why we always love to talk to you. Thank you very much.” Here is a full transcript of the June 11 exchange: 1:14PM EST KEITH JONES [FATHER OF OIL RIG VICTIM]: I don’t criticize the President in not having condemned BP or any other party that may have been at fault in the accident. Not yet. ANDREA MITCHELL: Keith Jones, whose son died on the Deepwater Horizon rig after visiting the White House, as BP tries to cap the oil spewing into the Gulf. President Obama is trying to contain the political damage, but as estimates of the oil continues to rise, what is this political fallout? With us now, John Heilemann, national political columnist with New York Magazine and of course co-author of ‘Game Change,’ the best-selling book. John, The President has taken step by step measures to change the policy. Now, he’s inviting BP to the White House next week – summoning really – next Wednesday, after saying for days and days, weeks, that there was no need for them to communicate. He met with the families. He went down and spent hours there last week. He’s going back on Monday and Tuesday. Is this course correction going to work? JOHN HEILEMANN: Well, I don’t know the answer to that question, but I do think that there is, you know, there’s this daunting sense, and I say this not in a way to suggest somehow they were – this is not criticism of the White House. I think for all of us, there’s the sense that this thing is –  the scale of it is much larger than anybody thought and I think more importantly, that the time frame for it is now much longer than most people had ever hoped or expected, right? So this is going to go on for months and months. And so, you know, if tomorrow they capped the well completely, which of course is not going to happen, you would have months of an environmental disaster, an economic disaster, that the President is going to – the political challenge for him and the substantive challenge, is greater, I think, going forward, than it even has been in this last two months. And so as they’ve started to realize that, that this is like – he’s going to be judged not on whether he capped the – plugged the hole, but on how he deals with this. How does he protect the coastline? What changes does he get through in terms of energy policy? That’s where he’s really going to be judged and that’s where he either win or lose. MITCHELL: And on energy policy, do you think – where do you come down? Is this an opportunity or is this a real loss in terms of the ability to get something done? John Kerry and  Lieberman say something can be done. There’s a competing Lugar proposal that actually Lindsey Graham has signed on to. And a vote this week we saw, where – a fairly narrow vote, 53-47, Senator Murkowski tried to limit the White House’s ability to contain emissions and failed. But that was a pretty tough fight in the Senate yesterday. Is there an opportunity now to do something real on energy? HEILEMANN: Well, I think that the politics of it have gotten more complicated, not less, because, as you know, you know, the notion of opening up some offshore drilling was a key carrot to get Republicans and conservative Democrats on board. At the same time, I think this is one of these real moments for any president, where if there is going to be a triggering action for us to try and get toward a greener future, a different kind of energy future, break our addiction to oil, what better moment is there than this? But I think that for the White House to do that and not end up with a piecemeal, some kind of small bill – small ball bill – he’s got to go really big and turn this into a crusade. Lay out a future for American energy, American climate policy, and really drive for that. And I think the fear for people who would like to see him do that is that they’re looking at the difficulty of the politics and they’re going to end up settling for a small solution rather than the big one that really changes, fundamentally, our relationship to energy and the – and our climate. MITCHELL: I read, recently, you wrote that: ‘As much as pulling the country back from the economic brink or passing health-care reform, the catastrophe in the Gulf offers Obama a chance to rise to the occasion, and in the process not only validate his conception of progressive, activist, and competent governance but reclaim the visionary mantle that inspired so many during his campaign.’ You know, it strikes me that this is an opportunity for him to change the conversation so that he’s not arguing over whether he’s emoting enough or feeling the pain enough. That’s not a natural instinct for him, it’s the theatrical – he has to do a little bit of that because he is the commander and consoler-in-chief, but if he does what he arguably does best and show his competence and the big conceptual approach to the energy policy, that would really be a major test of leadership. HEILEMANN: It would be, and look, he also – he does competency, he also does inspiration really well. That’s one of the things we know he does well. He doesn’t do anger well, but he does inspiration terrifically well. So there’s the energy legislation side of this. There’s also another side of this, right? Which is there are going to be – we’re going to need thousands of people to be down in the Gulf trying to keep this oil from getting further into the wetlands than it already is, from getting onto the beaches in Florida. I say why not start a Gulf Conservation Corps or a Gulf Recovery Corps? And start a new branch of our national service of AmeriCorps and tell them – try to inspire young Americans to take a year off and go to the Gulf to save our natural habitat. There are things he can do that would play to his strengths rather than asking him to do some of these theatrical things that don’t play to his strengths and that he, I just think, when he does them he actually looks phony doing them. There’s places where he can go here and – on both substance and symbolism – that would actually benefit him and what I – as I said, play to his strengths rather than his weaknesses. MITCHELL: John Heilemann, that’s why we always love to talk to you. Thank you very much. HEILEMANN: You’re welcome. 

The rest is here:
MSNBC’s Mitchell: Oil Spill An ‘Opportunity’ for Obama to Push Energy Bill

Oh THIS is not going to make a certain ex-Governor of Alaska very happy.

“Game Change,” the 2008 campaign tell-all book by John Heilemann and Mark Halperin, takes over the No. 1 rank on our list of top political books, while “Going Rogue” by Sarah Palin slips to No. 5. And guess what? “Game Change” managed to get to number one without having a bunch of conservative groups buying it in bulk to create the artificial illusion that it was a great book. Let’s face it if “Going Rogue” had been forced to compete on a level playing field it would NEVER have even come close to a bestsellers list. But Palin always insists the deck be stacked in her favor, doesn’t she?

Continue reading here:
Oh THIS is not going to make a certain ex-Governor of Alaska very happy.

Health care costs in this country are high because America is full of hypochondriacs and pantywaists. Yeah that’s right, I am talking to you!

The other day I was on the phone talking to a friend of mine who happens to be a doctor. I decided to ask him what he thought of the debate over health care reform. He said that it was completely fucked up (I think that is doctor talk). He said that Obama and the Democrats went about it ALL wrong, and what they should have done is to get a bunch of board certified physicians in a room and have them create a list of all that is wrong with health care in this country and a list of what they think might fix it. Now this doctor mentioned tort reform, and over billing by physicians, but the thing that he felt attributed most to the high cost of health care is that people have become too dependent on medicine and doctors. And remember, THIS was coming from a man who made his living because people THOUGHT THEY WERE SICK! And then he directed me to read the article which I have linked to right here , and a portion of which you can read below. Somehow we have developed an expectation that our health should always be perfect, and if it isn’t, there should be a pill to fix it. With every ache and sniffle we run to the doctor or purchase useless quackery such as the dietary supplement Airborne or homeopathic cures (to the tune of tens of billions of dollars a year). We demand unnecessary diagnostic testing, narcotics for bruises and sprains, antibiotics for our viruses (which do absolutely no good). And due to time constraints on physicians, fear of lawsuits and the pressure to keep patients satisfied, we usually get them. Yet the great secret of medicine is that almost everything we see will get better (or worse) no matter how we treat it. Usually better. The human body is exquisitely talented at healing. If bodies didn’t heal by themselves, we’d be up the creek. Even in an intensive care unit, with our most advanced techniques applied, all we’re really doing is optimizing the conditions under which natural healing can occur. We give oxygen and fluids in the right proportions, raise or lower the blood pressure as needed and allow the natural healing mechanisms time to do their work. It’s as if you could put your car in the service garage, make sure you give it plenty of gas, oil and brake fluid and that transmission should fix itself in no time. The bottom line is that most conditions are self-limited. This doesn’t mesh well with our immediate-gratification, instant-action society. But usually that bronchitis or back ache or poison ivy or stomach flu just needs time to get better. Take two aspirin and call me in the morning wasn’t your doctor being lazy in the middle of the night; it was sound medical practice. As a wise pediatrician colleague of mine once told me, “Our best medicines are Tincture of Time and Elixir of Neglect.” Taking drugs for things that go away on their own is rarely helpful and often harmful. Essentially we are a nation waiting expectantly to become ill. We are bombarded by advertisements for medications to sedate our “restless legs”, to lower our cholesterol, to help us sleep, to make our bones stronger, etc., etc., etc.. The fact is that the overwhelming majority of us will NEVER need any of those. But we THINK we will because they are such a prevalent part of our psyches. Now days potential patients go to their doctors with a laundry list of advertised medications to ask their doctor about. “How about this one Doc? You know I DO feel dizzy if I stand up to fast. Or what about this one? You know after I spend a few hours in my garden my joints DO ache a little. Just point out the ones my insurance will cover. I will start with those.” It is ridiculous. And you cannot rely on your doctor to always steer you away from unnecessary medications either. The next time you visit your physician take a look at the logo on his pen, or on his coffee cup, or on the cute little digital clock on his desk. 99 out of a hundred times you will see the logo of some medication, whose (often very young and female) sales rep took your doctor out to lunch, or dinner, or paid their way to attend a convention at a resort in Hawaii (right next to the beach and golf course). If the medication will not do you any serious harm, and it will shut you up, the doctor may have no compelling reason NOT to write out a prescription. However the more you rely on medication to make you feel better the weaker you are making your body. Essentially you are telling your body’s natural defenses to sit this one out and let the drugs do the heavy lifting. This allows your immune system to get fat and lazy, so when you really need it to kick in and fight off something life threatening, it is unable to respond. Add that to our horrible diets, and lack of exercise, and no WONDER health care costs are through the roof in this country. There is no profit in healthy people! But there is a buttload of money to be made on obese, inactive, and medication reliant people. So which side of the health care reform debate do YOU think has the most money to spend? I have probably said this to you all before, but let me get up on my soapbox and say it again. Going to your doctor is NOT health care, it is SICK CARE. You do not go because you feel healthy. You go because you don’t feel well or because you want to be told if you should still THINK you feel well. “Give it to me straight Doc. Should I go ahead with my tennis game today, or check into the hospital?” Real health care means eating a diet low in fat that avoids most processed foods and contains plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, getting plenty of exercise, laughing as much as possible during your day, and getting up off your ass. If more Americans made those choices we could bring health care costs down in no time. Okay I am climbing down off of my soapbox now. You guys have a happy healthy Sunday. Namaste Update: Well this certainly elicited a lot of discussion. Okay let me be clear about a few things. I am not saying that people with REAL health problems should not seek medical advice. Of course they should. The problem is that people EXPECT to be ill and go to the emergency room for every little ailment. They also demand medication for things that their bodies are perfectly capable of defeating. But the reliance on medication is a serious problem, and the constant visits to the emergency rooms are a large part of what drives health care costs through the roof. And I also have no problem with yearly checkups. I think you should go. Especially when you are my age. And if you are a woman then pap smears and mammograms should be part of your preventative plan. But if you are really treating your body as if you want it to last a long time, then most of the time your checkups will be drama free. You will have been engaging in “health care” all along and if the doctor does find something which requires his expertise he will find that your body is capable of making a fast recovery. Update 2: Just to clear up any confusion, my doctor friend and the person who wrote the article are NOT the same person. The words that I attributed to my friend are in the first few sentences. He DID however agree with much of what the article said, and told me that EVERY doctor he has shown it to also agreed with the majority of it.

View original post here:
Health care costs in this country are high because America is full of hypochondriacs and pantywaists. Yeah that’s right, I am talking to you!

Granny Palin overcomes her death panel fears! Shannyn’s new article over at Huffington Post.

Shannyn takes Granny Palin to task over the hypocrisy, revealed in the Levi/Bristol court documents, that her grandson is receiving “gasp” socialized health care. (Just click the title to read what Shannyn has to say about it.) And yes I am aware that many of you sent me a link to a similar article over at Daily Kos. I am sorry I did not post, but let me rectify that oversight now. Here you go .

See the original post:
Granny Palin overcomes her death panel fears! Shannyn’s new article over at Huffington Post.

John Edwards Admits Paternity

John Edwards has finally admitted that he had a baby with Rielle Hunter.

Continued here:
John Edwards Admits Paternity