Tag Archives: the-hypocrisy

Scotland Considers Shipping Water to Drought-Stricken England

Photo via AndyRob Despite the overall impression that England is a rainy place, there are areas in with drought is taking its toll. The country already imports around two-thirds of its water in the form of products , but it may one day start importing water more directly from its neighbor to the north – at least, that’s the possibility according to Mike Cantlay, the convenor of Loch Lomond national park and chairman of the tourism ag… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Scotland Considers Shipping Water to Drought-Stricken England

Sarah Palin Defends "Drill, Baby, Drill" on Twitter

Image: Twitter, @SarahPalinUSA Palin’s Twisted Logic You have to give her that, it takes guts to seriously pretend that the BP oil spill tragedy in the Gulf of Mexico is evidence that “drill, baby, drill” was a more environmentally-friendly policy. Let’s start with the hypocrisy: Never at any time before the BP oil spill did the “drill, baby, drill” crowd advocate stopping offshore drilling and replacing it with onshore drilling…. Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Sarah Palin Defends "Drill, Baby, Drill" on Twitter

Granny Palin overcomes her death panel fears! Shannyn’s new article over at Huffington Post.

Shannyn takes Granny Palin to task over the hypocrisy, revealed in the Levi/Bristol court documents, that her grandson is receiving “gasp” socialized health care. (Just click the title to read what Shannyn has to say about it.) And yes I am aware that many of you sent me a link to a similar article over at Daily Kos. I am sorry I did not post, but let me rectify that oversight now. Here you go .

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Granny Palin overcomes her death panel fears! Shannyn’s new article over at Huffington Post.

Family Guy actress Andrea Fay Friedman talks about Sarah Palin, Down syndrome, and how Sarah treats Trig.

This brave young woman has suffered attack and abuse from the supporters of Sarah Palin simply for refusing to allow herself to be defined by her condition and for finding a humorous way to connect with the Family Guy audience. Just look at how some Palin supporters express their anger at this actress: Sorry but your a rotten lil bitch…i could care less you have down syndrome you know exactly what your doing. you ARE making fun of ppl with down syndrome to get your 15 minutes of fame…your disgusting! She doesn’t even realize she’s being used. This is appalling and Insider should be ashamed of participating in it. trig??? you talk about trig…………if you are saying don’t use him then stop using the fact you have downs syndrome in order to make money………there’s no difference Her remarks about Sarah Palin’s sense of humor and how she treats Trig are dead on. The reason the Palin-bots are so upset is because they realize that people are far more likely to take the side of this brave woman than the perpetual victim who they worship. Apparently Sarah’s thin skin is contagious. By the way if you did not see what Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane had to say about this controversy on Real Time last night you should do yourself a favor and click here . It was awesome!

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Family Guy actress Andrea Fay Friedman talks about Sarah Palin, Down syndrome, and how Sarah treats Trig.