Tag Archives: down syndrome

Family Guy actress Andrea Fay Friedman talks about Sarah Palin, Down syndrome, and how Sarah treats Trig.

This brave young woman has suffered attack and abuse from the supporters of Sarah Palin simply for refusing to allow herself to be defined by her condition and for finding a humorous way to connect with the Family Guy audience. Just look at how some Palin supporters express their anger at this actress: Sorry but your a rotten lil bitch…i could care less you have down syndrome you know exactly what your doing. you ARE making fun of ppl with down syndrome to get your 15 minutes of fame…your disgusting! She doesn’t even realize she’s being used. This is appalling and Insider should be ashamed of participating in it. trig??? you talk about trig…………if you are saying don’t use him then stop using the fact you have downs syndrome in order to make money………there’s no difference Her remarks about Sarah Palin’s sense of humor and how she treats Trig are dead on. The reason the Palin-bots are so upset is because they realize that people are far more likely to take the side of this brave woman than the perpetual victim who they worship. Apparently Sarah’s thin skin is contagious. By the way if you did not see what Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane had to say about this controversy on Real Time last night you should do yourself a favor and click here . It was awesome!

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Family Guy actress Andrea Fay Friedman talks about Sarah Palin, Down syndrome, and how Sarah treats Trig.