Tag Archives: top-political

Spanish judge accuses Venezuelan government of assassination plot

MADRID—Spain and Venezuela headed toward a potential diplomatic face-off after a Spanish judge on Monday accused Caracas of collaborating with rebel groups to assassinate Colombian President

Oh THIS is not going to make a certain ex-Governor of Alaska very happy.

“Game Change,” the 2008 campaign tell-all book by John Heilemann and Mark Halperin, takes over the No. 1 rank on our list of top political books, while “Going Rogue” by Sarah Palin slips to No. 5. And guess what? “Game Change” managed to get to number one without having a bunch of conservative groups buying it in bulk to create the artificial illusion that it was a great book. Let’s face it if “Going Rogue” had been forced to compete on a level playing field it would NEVER have even come close to a bestsellers list. But Palin always insists the deck be stacked in her favor, doesn’t she?

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Oh THIS is not going to make a certain ex-Governor of Alaska very happy.