Tag Archives: dance-troops

Some Ex Pussycat Doll Topless of the Day

Pussycat dolls are hookers, or strippers so this topless bikini shit makes sense… What doesn’t make sense is why anyone even remembers who the Pussycat Dolls are. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think girls being topless at the beach, pool, at the stripclub, or in my mouth are a bad thing…in fact I think it’s awesome…and the way it should be. I am just saying it’s not like we’re dealing with an A-Lister here…we’re dealing with someone who was never really anything, who probably didn’t make much money, who no one cares about, and who looks like prior to pussy cat dolls she was topless for 10 dollars a song…because that’s what girls in dance troops do to pay rent… So these tits, are like any random tits you’d find online…the fact she’s toured doesn’t make her tits more interesting…and it doesn’t make her tits better than your tits… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Some Ex Pussycat Doll Topless of the Day