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Margaretta Wolf, 96-Year-Old Grocery Store Owner, Lays Smack Down on Robber

She may look like an easy target, but Margaretta Wolf, 96, turned the tables on a would-be robber at her neighborhood grocery store in Wisconsin. Looks can be deceiving, as they say. Having owned and operated her store for 54 years, she wasn’t about to cave to some armed intruder after he ordered her to open the cash register. “I said: ‘I’m not opening that register. That’s it, I’m not opening it. I said have all the Tootsie Rolls you want but I am not opening that cash register,'” she said. The man in the silver mask and carrying a knife continued to give Wolf orders during the robbery attempt Monday, but she was having none of it . “He said, ‘Walk in the back of the store.’ I said, ‘I’m not walking no place, I’m standing right here,’ ” Wolf recounted, then stood her ground even as he pulled a knife. “I said, ‘I’ll press a button and I’ll have somebody here in seconds,'” she said. Wolf said the would-be robber appeared frustrated and confused, looked around, saw a security camera in the corner, then took his knife and fled. Marshfield, Wisc., Police Lt. Darren Larsen said he’s just glad Wolf is okay. “In this instance, certainly again while not recommended with what took place, we’re just very, very happy Marge was not injured,” Larsen told WAOW-TV. Wolf said she has a few words for the suspect if the cops nab him. “What do I say to him? I say I think you got some punishments coming, and it will be a little bit more than scrubbing the floor,” she told her local news. Moral of the story … don’t mess with this granny!

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Margaretta Wolf, 96-Year-Old Grocery Store Owner, Lays Smack Down on Robber