Tag Archives: dated-the-same

People Aint Isht: Man Kills Ex-Girlfriend’s Cat Then Leaves Its Bloody Body Outside Her New Boyfriend’s House With A Note That Says, “You’re Next”

He didn’t have to kill the poor cat. Man Kills Cat And Leaves It Outside Love Rival’s Home According to Mail Online A man has been accused of beating his girlfriend’s cat to death and dumping its bloody body outside his love rival’s home before leaving a note on the man’s car reading: ‘You’re next.’ Johnen Velez, 19, was arrested after the dead cat was found in a pillow case that had been tied around a railing outside a home in Manchester, Connecticut on October 26 last year. A necropsy found internal injuries in the cat’s abdomen were consistent with blunt force trauma, according to Velez’s arrest warrant. When the man who lives at the home went outside his apartment, he also found the threatening note on his car. Velez and the man had both dated the same woman but she had broken up with him a few weeks before the incident. She wanted to reunite with the other man, the Hartford Courant reported. Local media put out pleas for Velez’s arrest in March after he was identified as the alleged cat killer and he was arrested in April. He pleaded no contest on Wednesday to the charge of cruelty to animals after the sick crime. He denied involvement and said that a woman who had admitted to harming the cat when to police, but they did not take a statement. But prosecutor Anthony Bochicchio said that DNA evidence was found linking Velez to the bag in which the cat was found and his fingerprints were on the threatening note. When his former girlfriend was interviewed by police, she said he had sent a threatening message in the past. Velez, who is from Hartford, also pleaded guilty to third-degree assault from an unrelated case and was sentenced to five years in prison with four years of parole. The assault charge stems from a fight Velez was in on a bus on Aug. 13, 2012. He was on probation at the time. Ladies watch who you lay down with. There are some real psychos out here. Shutterstock

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People Aint Isht: Man Kills Ex-Girlfriend’s Cat Then Leaves Its Bloody Body Outside Her New Boyfriend’s House With A Note That Says, “You’re Next”