Tag Archives: fingerprints

People Ain’t Isht: Former Vanderbilt Football Players Laughed, Shot Videos And Texted During Sex Assault On Unconscious Coed

Remember those four Vanderbilt football players who were dismissed from the team year before last for forcing sex on a female student ? Two of the accused are currently on trial and the details of the alleged incident continue to horrify us… According to NY Daily News reports : Brandon Vandenburg and Cory Batey are each charged with five counts of aggravated rape and two counts of aggravated sexual battery. Vandenburg also faces additional charges of tampering with evidence and unlawful photography. Four former players are accused of raping the unconscious female neuroscience student in June 2013, but two will testify in the case. Both defense attorneys warned jurors about the two other former players who are charged in the case: Brandon Banks and Jaborian “Tip” McKenzie are expected to testify against Vandenburg and Batey. Video appears to show Vandenburg carrying the victim from a car outside the building into the dorm, according to testimony from Vanderbilt University Police Lt. Donnie Harville. Players were apparently seen on video dragging the unconscious woman down the hall. They giggled, shot video and sent text messages while they sexually abused her in an assault that began in a hallway, the prosecutor alleged. Thurman described in explicit detail how one former player assaulted her with a water bottle while a teammate egged him on. The prosecutor said one of the players passed out condoms and assaulted her. And one of the former players urinated on her and made a racial statement, Thurman alleged. Three of the ex-players are black and one is white. The victim is white. Disgusting… Talk about adding insult to injury. The poor woman was raped AND urinated on! Batey and Vandenburg are blaming the school’s “culture of binge drinking and promiscuity” for their role in the incident. None of the accused were of legal drinking age at the time. “I think the proof will be very clear at the end of the trial that alcohol played a role in what happened in that dorm room,” Worrick Robinson, an attorney who represents Batey, told jurors. He said Batey was so drunk that he blacked out that night. Robinson also told jurors that there is no evidence of Batey’s DNA in the dorm room and no evidence of his fingerprints on a condom box. What do you think is an appropriate punishment for such a crime? It seems like this happens time and time again with young athletes — especially football. What is it about sports that seems to attract these situations? We send our prayers out to the victim. We hope she’s able to recover from the trauma of this. APImages

People Ain’t Isht: Former Vanderbilt Football Players Laughed, Shot Videos And Texted During Sex Assault On Unconscious Coed

People Aint Isht: Man Kills Ex-Girlfriend’s Cat Then Leaves Its Bloody Body Outside Her New Boyfriend’s House With A Note That Says, “You’re Next”

He didn’t have to kill the poor cat. Man Kills Cat And Leaves It Outside Love Rival’s Home According to Mail Online A man has been accused of beating his girlfriend’s cat to death and dumping its bloody body outside his love rival’s home before leaving a note on the man’s car reading: ‘You’re next.’ Johnen Velez, 19, was arrested after the dead cat was found in a pillow case that had been tied around a railing outside a home in Manchester, Connecticut on October 26 last year. A necropsy found internal injuries in the cat’s abdomen were consistent with blunt force trauma, according to Velez’s arrest warrant. When the man who lives at the home went outside his apartment, he also found the threatening note on his car. Velez and the man had both dated the same woman but she had broken up with him a few weeks before the incident. She wanted to reunite with the other man, the Hartford Courant reported. Local media put out pleas for Velez’s arrest in March after he was identified as the alleged cat killer and he was arrested in April. He pleaded no contest on Wednesday to the charge of cruelty to animals after the sick crime. He denied involvement and said that a woman who had admitted to harming the cat when to police, but they did not take a statement. But prosecutor Anthony Bochicchio said that DNA evidence was found linking Velez to the bag in which the cat was found and his fingerprints were on the threatening note. When his former girlfriend was interviewed by police, she said he had sent a threatening message in the past. Velez, who is from Hartford, also pleaded guilty to third-degree assault from an unrelated case and was sentenced to five years in prison with four years of parole. The assault charge stems from a fight Velez was in on a bus on Aug. 13, 2012. He was on probation at the time. Ladies watch who you lay down with. There are some real psychos out here. Shutterstock

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People Aint Isht: Man Kills Ex-Girlfriend’s Cat Then Leaves Its Bloody Body Outside Her New Boyfriend’s House With A Note That Says, “You’re Next”

I Bruise Easily (Justin Bieber Video) with lyrics

A video I made for Justin Bieber using the song “I Bruise Easily” by Natasha Bedingfield. Lyrics: My skin is like a map Of where my heart has been And I cant hide the marks Its not a negative thing So I let down my guard Drop my defences down by my clothes I’m learning to fall With no safety net to cushion the blow I bruise easily So be gentle when you handle me Theres a mark you leave Like a love heart carved on a tree I bruise easily Can’t scratch the surface Without moving me underneath I bruise easily I bruise easily I found your fingerprints On a glass of wine Do you know you’re leaving them All over this heart of mine too But if I never take this leap of faith I’ll never know So im learning to fall With no safety net to cushion the blow [Chorus] Anyone who can touch you Can hurt you or heal you Anyone who can reach you Can love you or leave you So be gentle… [Chorus] I bruise easily I bruise easily http://www.youtube.com/v/32bha0oe12U?f=videos&app=youtube_gdata Read this article: I Bruise Easily (Justin Bieber Video) with lyrics

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I Bruise Easily (Justin Bieber Video) with lyrics

Casey Anthony Trial: Heart-Shaped Stickers, Duct Tape Residue Introduced as Evidence

A physical scientist and forensic examiner testified today that there was heart-shaped residue on the duct tape over the mouth of slain Caylee Anthony. “It was approximately the size of a dime,” Elizabeth Fontaine testified as the murder trial of Casey Anthony, Caylee’s mother, continued this morning. “If you wore a band aid for an extended time, then take it off, there would be glue residue and debris. That’s what this looked like, but heart shaped.” The state, which says Caylee was murdered , plans to introduce evidence that similar heart-shaped stickers were found in Casey Anthony’s home. Some evidence at the trial has been enough to make Casey Anthony sick . But one thing was missing from the tape: fingerprints of the toddler’s killer. The FBI believes the fingerprints vanished when Caylee’s body was outdoors in the months before she was found in the woods near her home. “Fingerprints are fragile,” Fontaine said . “It’s not surprising there were none.” In cross-examination, defense attorney Jose Baez criticized the sticker evidence. “When you examined it a second time, it was gone,” Baez said. “Is that correct?” “It was no longer visible,” said Fontaine, who noted that other FBI agents had tested the duct tape in the meantime while investigating the case. The trial is entering its fourth week, and the prosecution says it will wrap up its case soon. Casey Anthony faces the death penalty if convicted.

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Casey Anthony Trial: Heart-Shaped Stickers, Duct Tape Residue Introduced as Evidence

Tech Review: Apple iPad

Watch Larger Version | Watch HD Version Some say it’s revolutionary, others say it’s pure magic. Could it be both? Chris Hardwick and Kevin Pereira give their official take on the Apple iPad, with its 9.7″ multi touch display, web browsing, iWorks productivity software and more, all starting at $500. Find the full review from Gadget Pron on Attack of the Show after the cut. What You Need To Know Compared to other devices, the iPad is extremely unique and unlike anything else we’ve used. It’s about the size of a piece of paper (8″ x 10″) and measures half an inch thick. It’s heavier than you might expect. This might make it too heavy or awkward when you’re using the tablet for long periods of time. It’s a good size but you can’t hold it up forever. You have to put it on a desk and hover over it, or balance it on your knees. The touch screen is the most striking feature of the iPad. It’s huge at 9.7″ and LED backlit, so it’s everything you’d expect from a touch screen Apple device. If you’ve used an iPhone before, you’ll know how to use this. Even if you have no experience with an iPhone, it’s immediately intuitive. The screen is multi-touch, which means you can pinch and zoom. The keyboard works well but you’ll have to hover over the iPad to type on it. It has the OLEOPhobic screen but you’ll still get your fingerprints all over it. Overall, we love the iPhone touch experience and this is even better because the screen is huge! For the most part, the iPad experience translated well to the primary features, like web browsing, checking email and watching Youtube videos. The iPad makes browsing the web on Safari exactly the way you want to. Pinch and zoom, large screen and easy keyboard makes this the killer app (though without the Flash support). Lots of other apps like email and YouTube have been redesigned to work and look better on the iPad, and it makes a huge difference because of all the screen real estate. The iWorks apps like Pages and iBooks work extremely well. The battery life so far is great. Other apps available include the NetFlix app, which gives you access to your instant queue and looks amazing on the screen. There’s also Real Racing GTI which is easier to play than on an iPhone, because you don’t over correct on the iPad as much and it doesnt look bad when you scale it. Evernote has been redesigned for the iPad and is more fun to use. Command and Conquer Red Alert is amazing, and is just as easy to play as on a computer. The only problem is that the apps are expensive. Price $500.00 for the 16g Wi-Fi version. Rating 4 Seals of Approval out of 5. ( How do we rate gadgets? ) This won’t replace your laptop and you may need to buy other accessories, like a keyboard. Want something reviewed on Gadget Pr0n? Email us your suggestions to gadgetpron@g4tv.com . Did you see our behind-the-scenes photos of this iPad Review? Plus, death-glam-metal band Distended Warranty released their new music video, ‘iHate, Therefore iPad.’ iPhone – Apple – IPad – NetFlix – YouTube

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Tech Review: Apple iPad