Tag Archives: faces-the-death

Drugs Are Bad M’kay: Abusive Boyfriend Who Murdered 6 And Kidnapped Girlfriend Blames Crystal Meth Binge

Abusive Boyfriend Blames Crystal Meth Binge For Murdering Girlfriend’s Family Yesterday we posted a story about an abusive azzhole who hunted his estranged girlfriend down and murdered six people in her family. Today, we get news that the man is blaming crystal meth for his murderous rampage according the NYDN : The suspected killer blamed meth for a bloody rampage that left five members of his estranged girlfriend’s family dead in a rural Alabama home at the end of a dirt road. “Drugs, man, they mess people’s minds up,” said Dearman, as the jailbird shuffled his way to the Mobile Metro County Jail in shackles and a bright yellow jumpsuit Monday. He was extradited back to Alabama just before 7 p.m. Before disappearing behind bars, he offered three words of advice: “Don’t do drugs.” UH, YA THINK???? With a cop escort on each side, the 27-year-old suspect appeared exhausted and solemn while attempting to apologize for the methamphetamine-fueled bloodbath that sought revenge for Lenata Lester daring to escape their abusive relationship. “I love you Laneta Lester,” Dearman whined. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry to all the family members.” He faces the death penalty if convicted in the killings of Shannon Randall, 35; Justin Reed, 23; Joseph Turner, 26; Robert Brown, 26; and Chelsea Reed, 22. He also faces a kidnapping charge and an additional murder charge because Chelsea Reed was five-months pregnant. GTFOHWTBS! UNDER. THE. JAIL. Image via Mobile Co. Sheriff/Shutterstock Continue reading

Nidal Hasan Convicted of Murder in Fort Hood Shootings, May Face Death Penalty

Maj. Nidal Hasan, the Army psychiatrist who four years ago turned his gun on fellow soldiers at Fort Hood, Texas, has been convicted of murder. He was found guilty on all counts, including premeditated murder. Hasan, 42, faces the death penalty. If he is executed, he would become the first person the U.S. military has put to death in more than 50 years. A 13-member panel, or jury, of high-ranking officers voted unanimously to convict Hasan, 42, for killing 13 people and injuring 31 others in 2009. As the verdict was read, Hasan had no visible reaction . Similarly, there was no outcry from the audience, which included relatives of the victims. Military judge Col. Tara Osborn warned against any outbursts. Several family members, however, left in tears. The panel took only about seven hours to convict Hasan, and now turns to sentencing phase of the trial to decide what punishment to recommend. Prosecutors are expected to call 16 witnesses over two days during the sentencing phase as they move to have Hasan face the death penalty.

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Nidal Hasan Convicted of Murder in Fort Hood Shootings, May Face Death Penalty

Hugo Chavez: Battling For Life!

Venezuela’s V.P. denied rumors Thursday that Hugo Chavez has died, but didn’t paint a pretty picture of the nation’s president’s health, either. Quite specifically, Nicolas Maduro said Chavez, who is currently in Cuba, “is battling for his health, for his life, and we’re accompanying him.” Besides implying Chavez is still alive, he implied a lack of progress. In late 2012, Maduro said Chavez “is fighting a great battle … for his life, for his health.” Two months of battling for life is not encouraging, even if a new poll says nearly 60 percent of Venezuelans believe Chavez will recover and return to power. Maduro’s latest repetitive report about Chavez’s health came less than 24 hours after CNN Chile falsely reported that the Venezuelan leader died. The network attributed the news to Panamanian diplomat Guillermo Cochez who said, “I challenge the Venezuelan government to prove me wrong.” It appears the Venezuelan government heard the challenge. Nevertheless, Chavez has reportedly been breathing through a tube since a serious respiratory infection followed four cancer surgeries last year. He hasn’t been seen publicly since December 11. The man is clearly in poor health, even if it’s unclear how poor. If he’s not facing death yet , the 58-year-old Chavez is certainly knocking on its door.

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Hugo Chavez: Battling For Life!

Sugar Bear: No Fried Food for You!

Know of a reliable king ranch chicken recipe ? Please do not share it with Sugar Bear. TMZ confirms that the father of Honey Boo Boo was released from the hospital yesterday after suffering major chest pains. Physicians then diagnosed him with pancreatitis. The Bear should be okay, but Mama June says her (latest) man has been advised to avoid fried foods of all kinds. In the Thompson household. Yeah. Good luck with that, big guy. In other food news related to this family, Honey Boo Boo has been told she cannot sell Girl Scout Cookies over her wildly popular Facebook account – on behalf of a friend – because it defeats the whole purposes of these young ladies going door-to-door and selling the items themselves. Sugar Bear should probably stay away from Thin Mints, too. That REALLY sucks.

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Sugar Bear: No Fried Food for You!

Jodi Arias Voicemail: Killer Leaves Message For Travis Alexander AFTER Stabbing Him

Jodi Arias left a cheerful voicemail, and sent both a text message and a long email to Travis Alexander on June 4, 2008 … after she had killed him. Prosecutor Juan Martinez showed this to the jury Thursday in ending his cross-examination of Jodi Arias , who is charged with first-degree murder. On the upbeat voicemail Arias left hours after leaving Alexander’s body in his shower, she shot the breeze for a bit, then invited him to see Othello with her. “Let me know. Talk to you soon. Bye!” she concluded. Martinez did his best to drive home the impact of these messages. “Did you send it so he could reach you from the grave?” he asked her sarcastically. Arias claims she killed Alexander self-defense.She cried often during the day’s session, with Martinez meticulously trying to poke holes in her claims. The prosecutor also showed a dramatic flair, once again leaning on the interview Arias gave 48 hours for maximum impact to prove Arias was lying. “No jury is going to convict me because I’m innocent and you can mark my words… no jury is going to convict me,” Arias said during that interview. Jodi Arias Voicemail Several photos of Alexander’s body were shown during Thursday’s proceedings and Arias broke down in tears. Martinez, meanwhile, recited all of her lies. While debate will revolve around the question if Arias’ tears were real or staged, the defendant spent more of the day apparently more rattled than ever. Guiding Arias through Alexander’s last minutes of life, the prosecutor closed the morning session with these powerful questions: “Were you crying when you were shooting him? “Were you crying when you were stabbing him? “When you cut his throat, were you crying ?” She faces the death penalty if convicted.

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Jodi Arias Voicemail: Killer Leaves Message For Travis Alexander AFTER Stabbing Him

Casey Anthony Deemed Competent to Stand Trial

The Casey Anthony trial resumed this morning after a judge ruled that the 25-year-old accused murderer from Orlando is competent to stand trial. The trial was abruptly put on hold over the weekend after the judge said a “legal matter” had come up. That matter was Anthony’s mental state. Defense lawyers filed a motion to determine her competency to proceed, and after three psychologists found her competent , the trial goes on. Casey, who is accused of killing her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee Anthony, in 2008, has pleaded not guilty. She faces the death penalty if convicted. Prosecutors allege Anthony killed her daughter by using chloroform and suffocating her with duct tape, then leaving her lifeless body in the woods. Casey Anthony’s defense hinges on the theory that Caylee accidentally drowned, that Anthony and her father, George, covered up the accident. George’s prior sexual abuse of Casey when she was a child factored into this poor judgment, her lawyers have posited, to much controversy. Caylee’s remains were found in December 2008, almost six months after she was reported missing, in a wooded area not far from her home. On Friday, Casey’s attorneys showed jurors photos of Caylee climbing a ladder into a pool as her grandmother, Cindy Anthony , supported her. Cindy testified that Caylee could’ve climbed into the pool herself , and also said that she, not Casey, searched for several suspicious terms online.

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Casey Anthony Deemed Competent to Stand Trial

Cindy Anthony Testimony Stunner: I Ran Chloroform Search…

Cindy Anthony shocked courtroom observers today when she testified in the trial of her daughter, Casey, and proclaimed: ” I searched for chloroform.” Mrs. Anthony was referring to the revelation that searches for disturbing terms – such as “chloroform” and “neck breaking” – were found in deleted space on the hard drive of the family’s laptop. But Cindy tried to convince jurors today that there was an innocent explanation for it all: “I was searching for ‘chlorophyll’ because I was worried that it might affect my dogs. I was worried about them eating bamboo,” she said, adding about the term chest injuries : “A friend of mine was in a car accident, and I looked up certain injuries… “I did not search for neck breaking, but there was a pop up for a YouTube video of a skateboarder doing a ‘neck breaking’ stunt.” Records suggest that Cindy Anthony was at work at the time of these searches, but Casey’s mother simply said it was “possible” she had returned home from her job by then. Cindy first took the stand on Tuesday in the trial that has captivated millions. Casey Anthony faces the death penalty if found guilty of her daughter’s 2008 death.

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Cindy Anthony Testimony Stunner: I Ran Chloroform Search…

Evidence in Car of Casey Anthony: Inconclusive?

Many (if not most) trial observers believe that accused murderer Casey Anthony is indeed guilty of killing her two-year-old daughter Caylee. Some of the physical evidence against her is less than overwhelming, however, according to a Casey Anthony defense witness testifying today. The air in Casey Anthony’s car trunk contained chemicals associated with human decomposition, but didn’t conclusively prove a body was there. Dr. Michael Sigman, a professor at the University of Central Florida, said Casey’s trunk showed traces of gasoline, chloroform and other chemicals. However, those readings were all low, and said chemicals also are linked to onions, cabbages and Clorox, among other things. So … it’s tough to say. As a result, Sigman told attorney Cheney Mason, “I cannot conclusively determine that there had been human remains in the trunk of the car.” This comes after prosecutors strongly suggested there were. Prosecutors in the murder trial in Orlando had called several experts who concluded that based on the air samples, a strand of hair, insect activity and the reaction of cadaver dogs that a body was in fact in the Florida mom’s car. Among several other witnesses who took the stand at the trial today was Madeline Montgomery, a forensic toxicologist for the FBI. She testified that she found no evidence of drugs – including calming medications Xanax and Valium – in hair presumed to be Caylee Anthony’s. But she also acknowledged she could not test the hair for chloroform, which was one of the ways prosecutors say Caylee was murdered . Casey Anthony, 25, faces the death penalty if convicted. What do you think? Is she …

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Evidence in Car of Casey Anthony: Inconclusive?

Casey Anthony Trial: Heart-Shaped Stickers, Duct Tape Residue Introduced as Evidence

A physical scientist and forensic examiner testified today that there was heart-shaped residue on the duct tape over the mouth of slain Caylee Anthony. “It was approximately the size of a dime,” Elizabeth Fontaine testified as the murder trial of Casey Anthony, Caylee’s mother, continued this morning. “If you wore a band aid for an extended time, then take it off, there would be glue residue and debris. That’s what this looked like, but heart shaped.” The state, which says Caylee was murdered , plans to introduce evidence that similar heart-shaped stickers were found in Casey Anthony’s home. Some evidence at the trial has been enough to make Casey Anthony sick . But one thing was missing from the tape: fingerprints of the toddler’s killer. The FBI believes the fingerprints vanished when Caylee’s body was outdoors in the months before she was found in the woods near her home. “Fingerprints are fragile,” Fontaine said . “It’s not surprising there were none.” In cross-examination, defense attorney Jose Baez criticized the sticker evidence. “When you examined it a second time, it was gone,” Baez said. “Is that correct?” “It was no longer visible,” said Fontaine, who noted that other FBI agents had tested the duct tape in the meantime while investigating the case. The trial is entering its fourth week, and the prosecution says it will wrap up its case soon. Casey Anthony faces the death penalty if convicted.

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Casey Anthony Trial: Heart-Shaped Stickers, Duct Tape Residue Introduced as Evidence

Sumanthiran Selvarajoo picture

Sumanthiran Selvarajoo, 18, was arrested a few hours after he allegedly bashed up retiree Loo Nam Sheng, 64, with an umbrella. A Teenager was charged yesterday with the murder of a man who was found dead in an Ang Mo Kio park last Saturday morning. He faces the death penalty if convicted of the crime. Mr Loo had gone to Ang Mo Kio Town Garden West, opposite Ang Mo Kio library, for his morning exercise last Saturday. At 6.40am, the police received a call about an assault in the area. It is n

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