Justin Bieber was only given a couple minutes to run down a Top 10 List on The Late Show with David Letterman last night. But the women of The View were far more accommodating to the singer this morning, letting him actually walk out on stage with them and treating him like one of their own. With the star on hand to promote his new perfume, Elisabeth Hasselbeck asked Justin to sing her something (he obliged with a few notes of “Never Say Never”) and then she challenged him to a Segway race! Who won? Watch and find out: Justin Bieber on The View
Cindy Anthony shocked courtroom observers today when she testified in the trial of her daughter, Casey, and proclaimed: ” I searched for chloroform.” Mrs. Anthony was referring to the revelation that searches for disturbing terms – such as “chloroform” and “neck breaking” – were found in deleted space on the hard drive of the family’s laptop. But Cindy tried to convince jurors today that there was an innocent explanation for it all: “I was searching for ‘chlorophyll’ because I was worried that it might affect my dogs. I was worried about them eating bamboo,” she said, adding about the term chest injuries : “A friend of mine was in a car accident, and I looked up certain injuries… “I did not search for neck breaking, but there was a pop up for a YouTube video of a skateboarder doing a ‘neck breaking’ stunt.” Records suggest that Cindy Anthony was at work at the time of these searches, but Casey’s mother simply said it was “possible” she had returned home from her job by then. Cindy first took the stand on Tuesday in the trial that has captivated millions. Casey Anthony faces the death penalty if found guilty of her daughter’s 2008 death.