Tag Archives: dazed-medicated

Reese Witherspoon’s Shitty Dumpy Legs of the Day

I hate on Reese Witherspoon for one reason and one reason only…..she’s the fucking devil and I need to bring her down…everyone thinks she’s this great mother, wholesome housewife who was cheated on and forced to remarry….when I know she’s a fucking movie star…and all movie stars…despite how many pictures of them you see going to church on Sundays…are vapid, spoiled, rude, disgusting, money grubbing whores….trash that if they actually cared wouldn’t be practicing lines in the mirror…but would instead be helping save AIDS babies for an organization or some shit…. Here are her shitty legs….to remind you that despite all her working out…she’s still disgusting. DOWN WITH WITHERSPOON…. To See The Rest of the Pics FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Reese Witherspoon’s Shitty Dumpy Legs of the Day

Bar Refaeli Drunk Legs on Twitter of the Day

Here’s hot Jewish party slut turned model turned celebrity fucker turned cokehead Bar Refaeli posting pics of her legs on twitter as she lays in bed getting liquored up….cuz you can take the party slut out of the party and pay her millions to get half naked so that she can rejoin the party on a more exclusive level….but you can’t take the slut out of the slut…..She’s almost posed the way I like them….except with less restraints, dazed medicated looks on her face, and black eyes.. I’m just joking. Or am I? Who cares. The internet made me this monster.

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Bar Refaeli Drunk Legs on Twitter of the Day