Tag Archives: death-reports

Twitter Files: Hugh Hefner Is Definitely Still Alive And Bangin’ A Badder Broad Than You

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Twitter Files: Hugh Hefner Is Definitely Still Alive And Bangin’ A Badder Broad Than You

The Dentist Can Prove Why You Are A Worthless, Irresponsible Human Being

Link: http://www.hipsterrunoff.com/2009/10/… Hipster Runoff examines the late 20s existential crisis that is a trip to the dentist. Some of you get pretty cranky about HRO, but go for your first cleaning in 3 years and then call me.

Follow this link:
The Dentist Can Prove Why You Are A Worthless, Irresponsible Human Being

The Best Celebrity Death Hoaxes

Link: http://www.popeater.com/2009/10/13/ce… If all celebrity death reports over the years turned out true (Zach Braff alive!), we'd have lost three big stars to the cliffs of New Zealand, Britney Spears would have met her maker thanks to a pretzel truck, and poor Urkel would have shot himself in the head. Thank God that last one never happened.

See more here:
The Best Celebrity Death Hoaxes