Tag Archives: debt-ceiling

Rihanna’s Cleavage Is Raising The Debt Ceiling

I wish I could tell you that I was up to date with everything that’s going on in the world and knew exactly what was the deal was with this debt ceiling garbage, but I run a celebrity boob site so I can’t. What I can tell you is that Rihanna and her sweet breasts decided that it might be a good idea to party it up it a nice little bikini top the other day. I like it. She’s definitely raising the debt ceiling in my pants.

Cuomo, Bloomberg urge debt deal


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Both Gov. Andrew Cuomo and New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg are urging political leaders in Washington to work out a deal to raise the debt ceiling, something that has been hamstrung by partisan back-and-forth between President Barack Obama and House Republicans. Cuomo, after signing a law to stiffen penalties against drivers who send text Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Capitol confidential Discovery Date : 12/07/2011 21:18 Number of articles : 2

Cuomo, Bloomberg urge debt deal

Bad Romance? Pawlenty Admits He Likes ‘Talented’ Pro-Gay Singer Lady Gaga


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Considering America’s enormous debt ($14,400,378,763,707 as of 1:35 p.m. Eastern), an immigration debate that’s doing anything but simmering, a debt ceiling that’s about to be obliterated and numerous wars, one would assume that Lady Gaga would be the last point of discussion for presidential contenders (okay, maybe that’s a little harsh — politicians are people too, right’). Yet, today, in Iowa,… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Blaze Discovery Date : 07/07/2011 20:18 Number of articles : 2

Bad Romance? Pawlenty Admits He Likes ‘Talented’ Pro-Gay Singer Lady Gaga

Raising the Debt Limit: It Just Makes Sense. Not.


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Some say the world will end in fire and some say in ice. But in Washington, a lot of people say it will end if we don’t continually raise the debt ceiling. The statutory debt limit, or debt ceiling, represents the maximum amount of debt the federal government can carry at any given time. The limit was created in 1917 so that Congress wouldn’t have to vote every time the government wanted to increase… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Reason Magazine – Hit & Run Discovery Date : 01/03/2011 22:30 Number of articles : 2

Raising the Debt Limit: It Just Makes Sense. Not.