Tag Archives: mayor-michael

Race Matters: NYC Still Making Racially-Targeted Herb Arrests Despite Promised Policy Changes

Still arresting minorities by the thousands over mary-crumbs … NYPD Continues Low-Level Marijuana Arrests Mayor DeBlasio promised that forces would no longer focus on low-level mary jane violations and prevent cops from pulling “stop & frisk” searches that clearly target minorities. But an NY congressman is pointing out that it’s all business as usual in NYC, and it’s sending more Blacks and Latinos to jail than anyone else. Via HuffPost : At a press conference outside One Police Plaza in Manhattan on Tuesday, Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.) pointed to recent data showing that thousands of New Yorkers are getting arrested for possessing pot, most of them minorities. “The new administration promised change, but instead we got more of the same,” Jeffries said, referring to Mayor Bill de Blasio’s campaign pledge to lower arrests for possessing small amounts of marijuana. Data released earlier this month from the New York state Division of Criminal Justice Services shows that from January to March, more than 7,000 individuals were arrested in New York City for possessing small amounts of marijuana, and 86 percent of them were black or Latino. That number of arrests, Jeffries said, puts New York City on track to have just as many low-level marijuana arrests in 2014 as it did in 2013, when nearly 29,000 New Yorkers were busted for low-level marijuana possession. The number of arrests in the first three months of 2014 are higher than they were in either of the last two three-month periods of Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s administration in 2013. The vast majority of marijuana arrests in New York City are for the lowest misdemeanor charge — criminal possession in the fifth degree — in which the arrestee either possessed less than two ounces of marijuana, or had the drug “in public view.” Since 1977, possession of less than 25 grams of marijuana — a little less than an ounce — has been decriminalized in New York state. Under the law, those caught with such a small amount of weed are subject to a $100 violation for a first offense. However, since the late-1990s, NYPD officers have been asking the hundreds of thousands of people they stop on the streets each year empty their pockets. In 2013, 85 percent of those people were black or Latino. When pot comes out of the pocket, it becomes “in public view,” thus allowing police to make an arrest for misdemeanor criminal possession in the fifth degree. Arrestees can face up to three months in jail, and a criminal record. SMH! Yes marijuana is illegal…but this system seems to be in place specifically to place (and keep) Black and Brown people in the justice system over trivial nonsense. What are your thoughts?

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Race Matters: NYC Still Making Racially-Targeted Herb Arrests Despite Promised Policy Changes

Pot Meet Kettle: Mayor Bloomberg Calls Bill de Blasio’s Campaign “Racist”

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg probably wishes he could take this comment back. In a recent interview, Bloomberg stated that mayoral candidate and NYC Public Advocate Bill de Blasio’s campaign is “racist.”… Continue

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Pot Meet Kettle: Mayor Bloomberg Calls Bill de Blasio’s Campaign “Racist”

Monsters University Trailer: Released!

Monsters University, the animated prequel to Monsters Inc., will again features the voices of John Goodman and Billy Crystal as monsters Sully and Mike. Check out the new extended  Monsters University trailer : Monsters University Trailer – Extended The film centers around the two monsters as they meet in college, on their way to becoming Scarers at  Monsters, Inc. Helen Mirren, Steve Buscemi, Alfred Molina, Dave Foley, Sean P. Hayes, Charlie Day, Nathan Fillion, John Krasinski and John Ratzenberger also lend their voices. Monsters University will hit theaters June 21.  

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Monsters University Trailer: Released!

Boston Bombing Suspects Planned Times Square Attack Next, Officials Say

The surviving Boston Marathon bombing suspect says he and his brother discussed attacking NYC’s Times Square next, according to law enforcement officials. The surviving suspect, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev , initially told investigators that they planned to go to New York to party after the Boston attack, the officials said. The New York police commissioner also gave a similar account. Under questioning, the officials said, Tsarnaev said that he and his deceased brother, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, discussed a follow-up attack on Times Square. The officials cautioned that the Tsarnaev’s idea was “undeveloped.” One senior official described the plan as speculative, and “aspirational at most.” Tsarnaev reportedly confessed to his role in the Boston blast, too. New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Police Commissioner Ray Kelly scheduled a press briefing later Thursday to further discuss this subject. Tsarnaev, wounded in a shootout with police (in which is brother died) before he was captured Friday night, is in fair condition at a Boston hospital. Three people were killed and more than 200 wounded when two bombs went off near the marathon finish line April 15, sparking a massive manhunt. A man who authorities say was carjacked by the Tsarnaevs before the shootout told police he heard one of the men say “Manhattan” before he escaped. Somewhere, Boston Marathon bombing conspiracy theorists are already discrediting this. In any case, the questioning happened before Tsarnaev was read his rights. The U.S. government had invoked an exception to the requirement that suspects be read what are known as their Miranda rights before questioning. The exception is applied in cases of public danger.

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Boston Bombing Suspects Planned Times Square Attack Next, Officials Say

Not So Fast: Judge Blocks Mayor Bloomberg’s NYC Super-Sized Soda Ban One Day Before It Goes Into Effect

Long live the super-sized soda….. Judge Blocks NYC Super-Sized Soda Ban If you were one of the hundreds of people acting like your air supply was being threatened in the wake of NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s decision to ban to the distribution of drinks over 16 oz in all major restaurant and food establishments, you’re in luck. via CBS News Smaller sodas were set to hit New York City eateries tomorrow until a judge stepped in at the eleventh hour to strike down the new regulations. New York Supreme Court Judge Milton Tingling ruled Monday that the city may not enforce the new regulation, CBS New York reported Monday afternoon. The ban, which was set to take place Tuesday, applied to sugary drinks larger than 16 ounces sold at restaurants, fast food establishments, delis, sports venues and movie theaters. The limits do not apply to milk-based and alcoholic beverages sold at these eateries. Also exempt are sugar-sweetened drinks sold at grocery stories and convenience stores. Tingling said loopholes in the regulations defeated the limit’s stated purpose. “It is arbitrary and capricious because it applies to some but not all food establishments in the City, it excludes other beverages that have significantly higher concentrations of sugar sweeteners and/or calories on suspect grounds, the loopholes inherent in the Rule, including but not limited to limitations on re-fills, defeat and/or serve to gut the purpose of the Rule,” Tingling wrote in his ruling. So Bossip fam, whose side are you on in this debate? If the mayor of your city was able to get this type of soda ban into effect, would you hate it or love it ?

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Not So Fast: Judge Blocks Mayor Bloomberg’s NYC Super-Sized Soda Ban One Day Before It Goes Into Effect

White Women I Always Wanted To Ask “Good Hair Vs. White Hair… What’s Up With That?” [Video]

Hair. It’s a four-letter word with so much “stuff” behind it you could barely scratch the surface in a two-hour documentary by the same name. Or is it? Just how deep is hair for Black women and who made it that way? Plus, do White women have some of the very same hangups we do when it comes to our manes? Check out this final episode of “I Always Wanted To Ask” as we peel back the layers on what hair means to women — Black and White alike. Read more at http://madamenoire.com/259977/i-always-wanted-to-ask-whats-up-with-the-hair/#o45oRMyB2KIdD75M.99

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White Women I Always Wanted To Ask “Good Hair Vs. White Hair… What’s Up With That?” [Video]

In White Folks News: NY Mag Editor Puts Mayor Bloomberg On Blast For Staring At Woman’s Cakes…”Look At The Azz On Her!”

Who doesn’t like a nice looking a$$?! According to NyDailyNews: Mayor Bloomberg was more focused on buns than guns at a recent holiday party, a new magazine report claims. While Hizzoner has been all over the airways pushing gun control, a New York magazine reporter says the mayor was far more interested in ogling a woman’s behind than discussing the issue at a recent holiday party. Scribe Jonathan Van Meter says a friend who accompanied him to the party made a point of thanking the mayor for his work on gun control. “Without even acknowledging the comment, Bloomberg gestured toward a woman in a very tight floor-length gown standing nearby and said, ‘Look at the ass on her,’ ” Van Meter wrote. The line appeared in Van Meter’s lengthy profile of City Council Speaker Christine Quinn, who is a frontrunner in the race to succeed Bloomberg in City Hall. Quinn is quoted in the article telling the magazine that Bloomberg has also offered sharp critiques of her own style, turning up his nose when she chooses flats over high heels or waits too long before touching up her red hair. She said of Bloomberg, “he’s got a potty mouth.” She also said that she has a “good relationship” with him. Nice. SMH. WENN

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In White Folks News: NY Mag Editor Puts Mayor Bloomberg On Blast For Staring At Woman’s Cakes…”Look At The Azz On Her!”

X Factor Fashion Face-Off: Britney vs. Demi vs. Khloe!

The X Factor hosted a party in Beverly Hills last night in honor of the show’s final 12 contestants . Who will come out on top and win Season 2? That’s a question for another time. But which of the show’s three female participants – Britney Spears, Demi Lovato and Khloe Kardashian – looked hottest on the event’s red carpet. That we can determine right here and now! Study their fashion choices and vote now:  

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X Factor Fashion Face-Off: Britney vs. Demi vs. Khloe!

Marlee Matlin Slams "Insulting" Saturday Night Live Sketch

Marlee Matlin is very unhappy with Saturday Night Live . The Oscar-winning deaf actress took to Twitter this week and slammed the show for one of its most recent skits, during which the series mocked New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s sign language interpreter, Lydia Callis , for her animated expressions. “Millions of deaf people use sign. Why poke fun/fake it? Poke fun at ME but not the language. Would they do that to Spanish or Chinese? FAIL,” Matlin wrote. Matlin is a member of the National Association of the Deaf and explained there’s a contrast between actual signing and the parody depicted on SNL . “Here’s my point. Deaf people HAVE a sense of humor. Ever see me on Family Guy or Seinfeld ? But faking signs that we use isn’t the same,” the Celebrity Apprentice finalist said, adding: “Imagine if a show started making fun of Spanish (using fake Spanish) or Japanese. Do you think they’d actually get away with it? Uh, no.” What do you think? The Saturday Night Live sketch was…   So funny! So wrong! View Poll »

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Marlee Matlin Slams "Insulting" Saturday Night Live Sketch

Lydia Callis: The Viral Star of Superstorm Sandy

Clearly there is nothing funny about mass casualties and a region under water. But Lydia Callis has at least given people something to smile about in the wake of Superstorm Sandy. The sign language interpreter for Mayor Michael Bloomberg has gone viral, thanks to the animated way in which she has passed along information at the politician’s news conferences. If Coco represents the breasts of this natural disaster, Callis is the face of it. And the hands, of course… Lydia Callis: Signing with Swag!

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Lydia Callis: The Viral Star of Superstorm Sandy