Tag Archives: hearing-before

Not So Fast: Judge Blocks Mayor Bloomberg’s NYC Super-Sized Soda Ban One Day Before It Goes Into Effect

Long live the super-sized soda….. Judge Blocks NYC Super-Sized Soda Ban If you were one of the hundreds of people acting like your air supply was being threatened in the wake of NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s decision to ban to the distribution of drinks over 16 oz in all major restaurant and food establishments, you’re in luck. via CBS News Smaller sodas were set to hit New York City eateries tomorrow until a judge stepped in at the eleventh hour to strike down the new regulations. New York Supreme Court Judge Milton Tingling ruled Monday that the city may not enforce the new regulation, CBS New York reported Monday afternoon. The ban, which was set to take place Tuesday, applied to sugary drinks larger than 16 ounces sold at restaurants, fast food establishments, delis, sports venues and movie theaters. The limits do not apply to milk-based and alcoholic beverages sold at these eateries. Also exempt are sugar-sweetened drinks sold at grocery stories and convenience stores. Tingling said loopholes in the regulations defeated the limit’s stated purpose. “It is arbitrary and capricious because it applies to some but not all food establishments in the City, it excludes other beverages that have significantly higher concentrations of sugar sweeteners and/or calories on suspect grounds, the loopholes inherent in the Rule, including but not limited to limitations on re-fills, defeat and/or serve to gut the purpose of the Rule,” Tingling wrote in his ruling. So Bossip fam, whose side are you on in this debate? If the mayor of your city was able to get this type of soda ban into effect, would you hate it or love it ?

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Not So Fast: Judge Blocks Mayor Bloomberg’s NYC Super-Sized Soda Ban One Day Before It Goes Into Effect

Yandy’s Boo Mendeecees Harris Faces Mandatory 20 Years In Prison On Federal Drug Charges!

He’s not out of the woods yet… Mendeecees Harris Faces 20 Years For Drug Charges Via Democrat & Chronicle Mendeecees Harris, 33, pleaded not guilty in federal court in Rochester Friday to a drug conspiracy charge. Harris has a key role in the VH1 reality show Love & Hip Hop. Because of a 2001 drug conviction in Maryland, Harris faces a 20-year mandatory sentence if convicted here. Harris is one of three New York City men accused of roles in a pipeline of heroin and cocaine to the Rochester region. The other two — Ronald Walker, and Harris’ brother, Tyrus Harris — were arrested last year and are jailed awaiting trial. Prosecutors allege the three trafficked more than $2.5 million in drugs between 2005 and August 2012. Walker and Tyrus Harris also have pleaded not guilty. At Friday’s hearing before U.S. Magistrate Judge Jonathan Feldman, Assistant U.S. Attorney Frank Sherman said he would request that Harris remain jailed without bail. Damn, that might mean a lot of cold nights in Yandy’s bed if Mr. Sherman has his way. The criminal indictment does show that police in August seized more than $1.5 million in cash from safety deposit boxes and homes linked to the alleged conspiracy. Also seized were a 2012 Land Rover and more than $406,000 in jewelry. Authorities are also pushing for the forfeiture of properties in Georgia and Baltimore. Damn, looks like Mendeecees might not be around for Love & Hip-Hop New York season 3. Good luck playa… Image via YouTube

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Yandy’s Boo Mendeecees Harris Faces Mandatory 20 Years In Prison On Federal Drug Charges!

Piff-Puffin’ Pastries: High School Students Suspended After Serving Kush-Laced Cookies To Classmates

Students Suspended For Serving ‘Kush Cookies’ To Their Classmates A group of teenagers in Maine are catching some Mary Jane-smackdown after they made cookies full of kush and brought them to school to serve to classmates. via Huffington Post “Kush”-laced cookies taken by a student to a Maine high school on a day ethics and values were being discussed have sickened some classmates. Nine students have been suspended, and police are investigating. Cape Elizabeth schools superintendent Meredith Nadeau says it’s unclear if all the students who ate the cookies were aware they contained “kush.” Some of them felt ill and went to the nurse’s office. School policy calls for a student who distributes or sells drugs to be suspended for 10 days and face possible expulsion, an action requiring a hearing before the School Board. SMH. These little bad azzes know they knew better than this.

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Piff-Puffin’ Pastries: High School Students Suspended After Serving Kush-Laced Cookies To Classmates

Obama’s surrogate in his attacks on Religious Liberty


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This is Kathleen Sebelius, Pres. Obama’s surrogate at HHS, questioned on religious liberty. FAIL. I picked this up from Life News: Sebelius Admits She’s Unaware of Top Religious Liberty Cases by Jeanne Monahan This morning in a hearing before the U.S. House of Representatives Education … Continue reading → Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : What Does The Prayer Really Say? Discovery Date : 26/04/2012 18:04 Number of articles : 2

Obama’s surrogate in his attacks on Religious Liberty

Lindsay Lohan Will Dodge Jail Bullet

Filed under: Lindsay Lohan , Judge Elden Fox , Celebrity Justice Lindsay Lohan will not have to spend the next 30 days in jail … sources connected with the case tell TMZ. There was a buzz in the case that Judge Elden Fox would have Lindsay jailed tomorrow — without giving her bail — and make her sit behind bars… Read more

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Lindsay Lohan Will Dodge Jail Bullet

Cameron Crowe Divorce

Filed under: Cameron Crowe , Celebrity Justice , Dirty Divorces Cameron Crowe is getting divorced … TMZ has learned. Crowe’s wife, Nancy Wilson , filed for divorce today in L.A. County Superior Court, citing “irreconcilable differences.” The couple was marred in 1986 and has 10-year-old twin boys. Wilson is asking… Read more

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Cameron Crowe Divorce

Lindsay Lohan — Bail Bondsman at the Ready

Filed under: Lindsay Lohan , Judge Elden Fox , Celebrity Justice The bail bondsman Lindsay Lohan has gotten to know all too well will be in court tomorrow to bail LiLo out one more time … TMZ has learned. The bondsman — who also bailed out Linds back in June — is going to court for the 8:30AM hearing before Judge… Read more

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Lindsay Lohan — Bail Bondsman at the Ready

Sotomayor vows impartiality if confirmed to court (AP)

AP – Sonia Sotomayor, the first Hispanic Supreme Court nominee in history, vowed loyalty to “the impartiality of our justice system” Monday, confronting Republican skeptics at Senate hearings suffused with racial politics but all but certain to lead to her confirmation.

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Sotomayor vows impartiality if confirmed to court