Hair. It’s a four-letter word with so much “stuff” behind it you could barely scratch the surface in a two-hour documentary by the same name. Or is it? Just how deep is hair for Black women and who made it that way? Plus, do White women have some of the very same hangups we do when it comes to our manes? Check out this final episode of “I Always Wanted To Ask” as we peel back the layers on what hair means to women — Black and White alike. Read more at
Who doesn’t like a nice looking a$$?! According to NyDailyNews: Mayor Bloomberg was more focused on buns than guns at a recent holiday party, a new magazine report claims. While Hizzoner has been all over the airways pushing gun control, a New York magazine reporter says the mayor was far more interested in ogling a woman’s behind than discussing the issue at a recent holiday party. Scribe Jonathan Van Meter says a friend who accompanied him to the party made a point of thanking the mayor for his work on gun control. “Without even acknowledging the comment, Bloomberg gestured toward a woman in a very tight floor-length gown standing nearby and said, ‘Look at the ass on her,’ ” Van Meter wrote. The line appeared in Van Meter’s lengthy profile of City Council Speaker Christine Quinn, who is a frontrunner in the race to succeed Bloomberg in City Hall. Quinn is quoted in the article telling the magazine that Bloomberg has also offered sharp critiques of her own style, turning up his nose when she chooses flats over high heels or waits too long before touching up her red hair. She said of Bloomberg, “he’s got a potty mouth.” She also said that she has a “good relationship” with him. Nice. SMH. WENN