Tag Archives: public-advocate

Random Ridiculousness: Asian Man Has 19 Surgeries To Look Like Superman Including Skin Bleaching!

Dayum homie . Man Has Surgeries To Look Like Superman This is the problem with society today: no one is happy being themselves. According to Mail Online When Clark Kent wanted to transform into Superman, it was a fairly simple task. He would step into a phone box, spin around and the transformation would be complete. But Herbert Chavez’s change has taken a bit longer – through 16 years of plastic surgery. The 35-year-old, from Calamba City, Philippines, has had nose jobs, skin whitening, lip liposuction, jaw realignment, pec implants and even abdominal implants to become a real-life Clarke Kent after falling in love with the TV programme aged five. He has splashed around 300,000 Pesos (£4,400) on his obsession – a fortune compared to the average 90p hourly wage in the Philippines. Mr Chavez regularly takes to the streets around his home dressed in full Superman regalia, with his hair gelled in distinctive curly fashion. He aims to teach kids good morals while also brightening their days. He said: ‘I feel like a Superhero whenever I pull on the costume, but my mission is not to save the world but to help in my own small way and bring a smile to the faces of local children. ‘I don’t have any regrets at all. People come up to me in the street all the time and want their picture taken with me. ‘They are all really excited to see a real-life Superman in the Philippines.’ Wtf? But his distinctive look has not come easily, with Herbert going under the knife repeatedly to copy every last feature of the super hero he worships – right down to his chiselled chin. And Mr Chavez admits it is tasking trying to keep up with such a ‘perfect’ person. He added: ‘If you talk about super heroes, the expectation of people is that they are flawless, they do not get hurt, they do not die. Herbert now plans to keep improving his look with more operations to make him taller and surgery to beef up his abdomen and bum. But he acknowledges that there may be a day when he has to halt the extensive surgeries. Mr Chavez said: ‘I totally don’t have any regrets. What is there for me to regret? Everything that has happened in my life has been positive and because of Superman. ‘When my body says it can not endure it anymore or when my doctor says that my body can not handle it because of age, then I will stop.’ At least we know who he is trying to look like. Lil Kim has had God knows how many sugeries and we still haven’t figured out who she’s trying to be. Barcroft India

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Random Ridiculousness: Asian Man Has 19 Surgeries To Look Like Superman Including Skin Bleaching!

Pot Meet Kettle: Mayor Bloomberg Calls Bill de Blasio’s Campaign “Racist”

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg probably wishes he could take this comment back. In a recent interview, Bloomberg stated that mayoral candidate and NYC Public Advocate Bill de Blasio’s campaign is “racist.”… Continue

Read more from the original source:
Pot Meet Kettle: Mayor Bloomberg Calls Bill de Blasio’s Campaign “Racist”

For Discussion: NYC Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly Says “70 to 75 Percent Of People Committing Violent Crimes Are African American”

This is one of those situations where even if you think something, you are not suppose to say it out loud. We will just call this Raymond’s “teachable moment.” Raymond Kelly Says Blacks Commit 75 Percent Of Violent Crimes According to NY Daily News Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly credited the controversial stop-and-frisk tactic for helping to push New York’s crime rate to record lows. In a television interview, New York’s top cop defended his department’s use of the crime fighting tool and blasted critics who say it targets a disproportionate number of blacks and Latinos. “The stark reality is that crime happens in communities of color,” Kelly told “Nightline” co-anchor Bill Weir Wednesday. “About 70% to 75% of the people described as committing violent crimes — assault, robbery, shootings, grand larceny — are described as being African-American. “The percentage of people who are stopped is 53% African-American,” he continued. “So really, African-Americans are being understopped in relation to the percentage of people being described as being the perpetrators of violent crime.” The commissioner also countered allegations by a Brooklyn teenager that aggressive “proactive policing” like stop-and-frisk creates divisions between communities and police. “When things like this happen, there’s no trust,” said Kasim Walters, 17, of Flatbush. “We are trying to save his life,” Kelly responded. “And we are trying to save the life of other young people who are disproportionately victimized.” The “Nightline” segment also touched on the fatal shooting of Brooklyn teen Kimani Gray by police in March and featured comments by City Councilman Jumaane Williams (D-Brooklyn), a stop-and-frisk critic. The city Health Department reported this week that gun deaths in the city dropped nearly a third from 2000 to 2011. Kelly’s comments come during a lengthy federal trial on stop-and-frisk and a day after Mayor Bloomberg hammered his potential successors for criticizing the NYPD tactic. City Controller John Liu has described stop-and-frisk as racial profiling and called for its end, while other mayoral wanna-bes have said it needs to be reformed. City Council Speaker Christine Quinn and Public Advocate Bill de Blasio, two other Democratic contenders, have also been vocal in their support for a bill that would create an inspector general to oversee the NYPD. The federal class-action lawsuit filed by the Center for Constitutional Rights against stop-and-frisk has entered its seventh week of trial. The trial is expected to conclude May 16. Hate to break it to you Raymond, crimes happen in whitey’s part of the neighborhood too. Getty

See the article here:
For Discussion: NYC Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly Says “70 to 75 Percent Of People Committing Violent Crimes Are African American”

Gay Couple’s Picture Misused in Anti-Gay Political Attack Ad; Legal Action Possible

Brian Edwards and Tom Privitere, a New Jersey couple married in 2010, were stunned – and irate – to find themselves on an anti-gay political ad campaign. The photo of the two men had been posted innocuously on Edwards’ personal blog and was originally set against the backdrop of the N.Y. City skyline. A doctored version shows the gay couple standing in a Colorado setting and was used in a political ad to attack a Republican who supported civil unions: The tagline for the attack ad, which was sponsored by Public Advocate of the United States, was: “State Sen. Jean White’s Idea of ‘Family Values?'” White later lost the primary. Now, with the help of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), the duo and photographer Kristina Hill are all threatening to sue the organization behind the ad and its president, Eugene Delgaudio, if they do not stop using the photo. “Our initial reaction was complete shock,” said Privitere, 37, who lives with Edwards in Montclair, N.J. The couple has been together for 12 years. “We were heartbroken to see that our picture that was taken to represent love and family, and our values, and to share with other LGBT couples, was used for complete opposite purposes to induce fear and spread hate and bigotry,” he said. Public Advocate, based in Falls Church, Va., is on the SPLC’s 2011 hate group list. It never had permission to use the photo, unsurprisingly. Delgaudio, who is head of the board of supervisors for Loudon County in Virginia, told ABC News that he has not yet received SPLC’s letter. He is “looking into the matter” and searching whether or not we have the photo,” he said. “I have not commented on this ever and I have no statements on it … Someone could do this without my permission, but I am working on it.”

See original here:
Gay Couple’s Picture Misused in Anti-Gay Political Attack Ad; Legal Action Possible

‘Respect’ earns 10-8 majority; expect social conservatives to disrespect vote within hour


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Just now, the Senate Judiciary Committee voted 10-8 to repeal DOMA by passing the Respect for Marriage Act. A huge step forward for our movement to repeal DOMA! KEEP READING: BREAKING: Sen. Judiciary Committee votes to repeal DOMA [Prop 8… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Good As You Discovery Date : 10/11/2011 17:43 Number of articles : 2

‘Respect’ earns 10-8 majority; expect social conservatives to disrespect vote within hour

Greg Floyd and Bill de Blasio Discuss Occupy Wall Street [Video]


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Teamsters president Greg Floyd held his weekly radio show down at Zuccotti Park yesterday and among his guests was public advocate Bill de Blasio. Both Mr. de Blasio and Mr. Floyd are exploring runs for mayor in 2013, however the conservation was pretty cordial, as both defended the demonstrators right to protest. “I deeply respect what folks here are doing and we have to protect their right to do… Broadcasting platform : Vimeo Source : The Politicker Discovery Date : 10/11/2011 21:12 Number of articles : 2

Greg Floyd and Bill de Blasio Discuss Occupy Wall Street [Video]