Tag Archives: decades-makes

Gay-OK: Cosmopolitan Magazine Publishes Girl-On-Girl Sex Positions In Latest Issue

Les-be hooooonest…. Cosmopolitan Magazine Features Girl On Girl Sex Positions Cosmopolitan magazine is showing their LGBT community support by featuring girl-on-girl sex positions in their latest issue. via THG No beating around the bush (so to speak) with this one, either. The article is titled “28 Mind-Blowing Les***n Sex Positions,” and it makes good on the title. The article walks readers through “The Laconic Lounger, “The Rocket,” “Defying Gravity” and many more you absolutely must try (or think about). There are illustrations and descriptions, don’t worry. To think, Rosie O’Donnell’s recently claimed that Cosmo stopped her from coming out in 1992. Quite a difference two decades makes, doesn’t it? Do you think this is too far?

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Gay-OK: Cosmopolitan Magazine Publishes Girl-On-Girl Sex Positions In Latest Issue