Tag Archives: decent-quality

Intelligence versus religion

It’s pretty well established that the more intelligent and educated a person is, the less likely they are to believe in God. Here, have a graph: http://unreasonablefaith.com/2010/09/10/education-versus-religion/ added by: unimatrix0

WONDER WOMAN – gets her Goddess On !

Fan Art Exhibit – ( THIS is how the character should look. extra 2 bits,…sorry ) Wonder Woman Promo Published September 7, 2010 –Argh!! Finally found time to finish this. August is usually a bit of a quiet month but this year was insane, had no time whatsoever for personal projects. As a result this piece took far longer to complete than usual, I think I started it in June. What’s that you say? New model for WW! That’s right, I’ve been championing Jaimie Alexander for WW well before she was cast in Thor (can’t wait for that movie BTW) but could never find decent quality images, until now! (Sorry Cobie). Combined her with this perfect stock image I found for a WW pose. I actually started this before all the hoopla with the new WW costume in the comics, some aspects of which I liked so much I ‘borrowed’ them (hope you don’t mind Jim Lee, loved the belt to much not to use it). I’ll add some more video of the creation of this in the coming days, may take me a while to edit it down. more at LINK – – – http://fanartexhibit.wordpress.com/ http://fanartexhibit.files.wordpress.com/2008/09/wonder_woman_new.jpg added by: remanns