Tag Archives: deltas

Happy Founders Day! The Baddest Delta Baes In The Game

Hottest Delta Baddies On The Internet You know we had to celebrate the devastating divas of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Innnncorporated on their Black girl magical Founders Day so we found the baddest (and flyest) Deltas to heat up your MLK weekend like only they can. Hit the flip to peep the baddest Delta baes in the game.

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Happy Founders Day! The Baddest Delta Baes In The Game

If All The Black Sororities Fought, Who Would Win? [EXCLUSIVE AUDIO]

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“Love & Hip Hop” producer, Mona Scott-Young is creating a reality show about Black sororities. But Gary With Da Tea says Black greeks are protesting it because…

If All The Black Sororities Fought, Who Would Win? [EXCLUSIVE AUDIO]