Tag Archives: demand-answers

This Is America: School District Reportedly Denies Strip Searching 4 Black Girls After Accusing Them Of Drug Possession

Source: Caiaimage/Robert Daly / Getty Parents Demand Answers After 4 Young Black Girls Were Allegedly Stripped Searched At School According to the Boston Globe , an upstate New York school district denied that four 12-year-old girls were subjected to strip searches in their middle school nurse’s office. A media circus and over 200 parents came  forward after an allegation of the girls, who are all black, were allegedly questioned and strip-searched by the school nurse and assistant principal because they “seemed giddy” during their lunch hour and were suspected of possessing drugs . The mob of community members were present at a school board meeting to demand answers and disciplinary action against staff members but were met with a statement from the school district that said, ‘‘There has been a lot of misinformation being spread through social media from third parties. No students were strip-searched, nor were they punished.’’ The local NAACP is demanding accountability measures.   Continue reading

Bethany Frankel Fake Tits BikinI Pics of the Day

Bethany Frankel is one of those faces you just understand how it ended up on TV, you would think that anyone with any sense of what people in the world want to see, would squash this idea before it materialized into anything even remotely near what has become this hard faced Bethany Frankel trash….then you would assume if she did end up on TV thanks to fucking producers or manipulating an old friend….people would turn their back on her, write angry letters to the producers, and not allow her to get the low level of fame she has….but TV is run by bored housewives and they care less about what a bitch looks like than they should..and the real mystery is why she felt it was a good idea to get into a bikini…..I demand answers…..because this is so wrong…except maybe for the bikini and the fake titty cuz I recently fucked fake titties and learned to appreciate fake titties…but the rest of her…is the fucking worst…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS IN THE ABOVE BIKINI FOLLOW THIS LINK TO SEE THE HER IN A WHITE BIKINI CUZ SHE’S TAKING IN ALL THE ATTENTION SHE CAN GET FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Bethany Frankel Fake Tits BikinI Pics of the Day

Adam Lambert Comes Down with Slight Case of Bieber Fever

Uh-oh. It’s continuing to spread. In a new interview with OK! Weekly , Adam Lambert is the latest celebrity to admit: I’ve got a case of Bieber fever. This infliction doesn’t seem as dramatic as other verified outbreaks, as Lambert responded to a question about watching Justin Bieber perform at last Sunday’s Wango Tango concert and said: “I have to say I’m sorry I missed it. I met him before at a couple radio shows, he’s a really nice kid. He’s really friendly and he’s funny… He’s obviously worked really hard. I know adolescent girls are loving him. Good for him.” Other topics touched on in the discussion included Kris Allen and Adam’s upcoming tour . Check out a few excerpts from it: On Allen : “If there was ever a rivalry it would have been last year and that wasn’t the case. He and I get along so well… We really respect each other.” What will the tour be like? “I would definitely say my theatrical past and sensibility are definitely being put into play. I wanted to create like a story through the music, even if it’s loose and it’s not super clear, I wanted it to make sense to me and my people. So, that when performing these songs, there’s an emotional motive.” Can American Idol survive without Simon Cowell? “I think people will definitely miss Simon, [but] at the end of the day it’s really about the contestants. That’s why people turn in every week. They get invested and so I think it will be fine.” Read the full interview now and, as always, sound off: How awesome is Adam Lambert?!?

Go here to see the original:
Adam Lambert Comes Down with Slight Case of Bieber Fever

Blake Lively Cleavage: Airbrushed Out By Vogue!

Blake Lively’s breasts cannot be tamed. Gossip Girl fans know this all too well, as Serena’s eye-popping outfits and utter disdain for bras are well-documented. The actress often follows suit in real life, too, as you can see below (left). But did Vogue try to dampen the cleavage factor in its latest cover shoot with Blake? Check out the comparison below. How in the world is that the same girl on the right? Don’t get us wrong, she’d still be gorgeous, but she’s not Kate Hudson. Something is definitely amiss here … For whatever reason, Vogue gave Blake Lively a breast reduction . Why, Vogue? Why??!! Because it’s a “high fashion” magazine? Don’t ask us why possessing ample breasts and cleavage makes Blake unfashionable by default. How many times have you seen actresses airbrushed to appear more voluptuous? Here you have a natural beauty like this and they play it down. What gives? Would Vogue ‘s female readership be that offended if their Blake Lively pictures showcased her curves? Outrageous. We demand answers … and an apology. Blake Lively looks better with …

Originally posted here:
Blake Lively Cleavage: Airbrushed Out By Vogue!