Tag Archives: depraved-joke

Ted Bundy: Serial Killer Inspires Obsession Among Horny Social Media Users, Because 2019 is Already a Depraved Joke

Well, it’s long overdue, but many problematic men are finally being brought to justice, largely thanks to the work of dilligent journalists committed to unearthing the truth. The docuseries Surviving R. Kelly is calling attention to one of the music industry’s most infamous abusers, and a new feature-length documentary about Michael Jackson finally lets the alleged victims tell their stories in full. The fascination with “true crime” content may have seemed a passing fad in the early days of Serial and Making a Murderer , but in the years since, doggedly determined heroes like Ronan Farrow have toppled lecherous giants like Harvey Weinstein, and in the process, transformed an industry. It’s an environment of empowered, avenged victims and very frightened perpetrators as the public bands together to say “enough is enough” with regard to abuse, assault, and toxic anger. Which makes the unsettlingly widespread desire to have sex with serial killer Ted Bundy all the more baffling. For one thing, Bundy has been dead for 30 years, having been sent to the electric chair in 1989 in connection with the murders of more than thirty people. On top of that — and we really can’t stress this enough — he freakin’ murdered thirty people! And did, we forget to mention that he also decapitated at least a dozen of his victims for fun and was known to have sex with their decaying corpses until, according to Wikipedia, “putrefaction and destruction by wild animals made further interaction impossible”? Yeah. If you’re thinking Teddy Necrophile doesn’t exactly sound like the zaddy of your dreams, you’re certainly not alone. But believe it or not, there are some people out there who are officially and aggressively horny for Ted Bundy. We suppose this should come as no surprise, as the internet is the horniest place on Earth, but this time there’s a reason for all this sudden randy obsession. It didn’t just spring out of nowhere like that annoying “damn, Daniel” meme, but hopefully, it’ll disappear just as quickly Bundy is currently at the center of two separate film projects – movies that serve to remind viewers that the Campus Killer was every bit as monstrous as Manson and far more prolific. Conversations With a Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes is a Netflix docuseries that’s every bit as creepy as it sounds. Zac Efron as Ted Bundy Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile is a fictionalized depiction of Bundy’s murdering years, in which the infamous killer is portrayed by Zac Efron. Astonishingly, both projects have led to widespread genital engorgement. Like the ” Bird Box Challenge ” before it, the situation has gotten so bad that the fine folks at Netflix have felt the need to issue a statement. Not unlike the response to Bird Box , the company’s response publicly ponders WTF is wrong with their subscribers. “I’ve seen a lot of talk about Ted Bundy’s alleged hotness and would like to gently remind everyone that there are literally THOUSANDS of hot men on the service — almost all of whom are not convicted serial murderers,” tweeted the official Netflix account this week. Naturally, there was some pushback from people for whom dozens of grisly murders are not a deal-breaker. Fortunately, the service was well-prepared with a simple, yet effective clap back: Look, folks, you’re not always in control of whom you’re attracted to, but trust us when we say there are plenty of fictional creepy lunatics for you to lust after, and as a bonus, they haven’t taken dozens of real lives. And you don’t even have to leave Netflix to find them! Just start binge-watching You , and thank us later.

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Ted Bundy: Serial Killer Inspires Obsession Among Horny Social Media Users, Because 2019 is Already a Depraved Joke