Tag Archives: depression-hole

Lea Michele in a Bikini Top of the Day

Lea Michele is still mourning the loss of her drug addicted fake boyfriend used as a marketing tactic to promote their shitty show…GLEE…while he was out in Canada doing hard drugs and she was probably in LA jerking off her dick… She’s come out of her dark depression hole into the sun….to remind us that there is a life after death for the people who loss…or some shit…that you’d think any normal young person who lost the love of their life to drugs would still hurt when she thinks about him…but you gotta move one…something she did 5 minutes after he died because it got her out of that contract so she could go back to fucking guys she wanted to…n None of these people have souls…but they have shameless selfies.. The post Lea Michele in a Bikini Top of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Lea Michele in a Bikini Top of the Day