Tag Archives: design-contest

DrunkenStepfather Design a T-Shirt Contest of the Day

I Am – Dirty Shower Of The Day – The most popular videos are a click away I have been trying to do t-shirts since I started the site. I’ve done them once or twice and there were always a disaster thanks to me being a fucking idiot who isn’t good at stuff like that. I never liked the designs I got sent in. I didn’t know artists and it proved to be too much work for my lazy ass…..So I partnered up with this company and they are putting up 400 dollars for the winner of this stepSHIRT design contest….so to make that clear you can win 400 dollars if your DrunkenStepfather T-Shirt design wins. So if you’re into t-shirts, designs, drawing, and in the very unlikely case you are into this site you should take part in the contest…. To Submit Designs and Possibly Win – Follow This Link GO

See the rest here:
DrunkenStepfather Design a T-Shirt Contest of the Day