Tag Archives: despite-kicking

Hard-Working Women: 10 Famous Single Moms

Single mothers deserve a medal of honor every single day for their hard work. Even celebrities, with their millions of dollars, probably struggle to some extent. Here are 10 ladies that have to bring up their own seeds on their own. Clap for ‘em.

Hard-Working Women: 10 Famous Single Moms

Family Values: The Obama’s Take A Leisurely Stroll Through The Hawaii Zoo [Video]

During the Obama’s New Years vacation in Hawaii they have been pretty low key from the media, but today they we spotted walking casually through the Zoo, looking at animals and enjoying some family time. Sidenote: President Obama is one cool walking brotha, almost like he gliding on rollerblade wingtips! LOL! He definitely still has his “cigarette swag” despite kicking cancer sticks prior to entering the White House.

Originally posted here:
Family Values: The Obama’s Take A Leisurely Stroll Through The Hawaii Zoo [Video]